January in Ovacik can be quite chilly so if you are planning to visit this quaint village, it is very important that you pack a lot of warm and waterproof clothes.
Daily, there is an average high peak of 11°C or 48.2°F. The average low temperature is around 3°C or 38°F.
The average rainfall is around 10 to 12 days, so that's about 112 mm precipitation during this month. The humidity rate is around 64% so the overall weather is damp.
The sun will shine brightly for about five hours, so even though it can get wet in January, you will find the whole village beautiful when the sun is shining.
There is no fog during this month, however you can expect it to get windy with a maximum wind speed of 14 kph or 9 mph.
The average sea temperature is about 9°C or 48.2°F so swimming is not an option.
Although Ovacik is cold in January, there are lots of things to do here even if the beach resorts are still closed.
You can start enjoying the museum and Hellenistic theater in Fethiye, and simply be entertained by the overall architecture of the village. You can easily walk around since the place is small and not crowded at this time.
You can then enjoy yourself by having a quiet and relaxing nightcap in a bar. If you do want a place where you can start dancing, you can visit Oludeniz or Hisaronu, a 10-minute walk from Ovacik. Most places stay open until the early hours of the morning!