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Madeira Live Weather, Portugal



17° 63°

Your Time: Time in Madeira: 04:36

4:00 AM, Wed 12th Mar

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    11h 50m
  • Pressure
    29" (1011 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    22 km/h

Sunrise 07:22

Sunset 19:12
  • Temp feels like:

    17ºC (63 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    11h 50m

  • Pressure:

    29" (1011 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    22 km/h

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Madeira's climate consists of hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. April to September is mostly dry and October to March is fairly wet.

Is Madeira Windy?

The warm ocean currents around the island help dictate the climate and mean an absence of extreme temperatures. The cooling winds that brush across the island also help keep summer temperatures more comfortable. Humidity is not usually a problem on the island, being quite stable all-year-round, with averages ranging between 67% and 72%.

The island's weather is greatly affected by the winds which prevail in the region. The main wind to affect the weather on Madeira is the north east trade wind that comes down from the Portuguese coast. Also playing a significant role is the hot wind that occasionally blows over from North Africa.

Summer Weather in Madeira 

Summer is themost popular time of year to visit Madeira thanks to the great weather, which is almost always hot and sunny at this time of year.

How Hot Is Madeira?

June to September is classed as summer in Medeira. Although the months either side can still be very warm and sunny. The average daily high temperatures are around the mid-20s, but temperatures up to and above 30°C are not uncommon, especially if the hot winds from North Africa are blowing.

At the other end of the scale, the daily low temperatures don't tend to drop far below the high teens, even at night. Overall, summer temperatures are generally very comfortable, with cooling sea breezes usually ensuring relief from any scorching weather.

There are however times when it can get very hot in Madeira, and scorching temperatures reaching as high as 40°C have been recorded. 

Lester Wind In Madeira

Temperatures this high only usually occur when the 'Leste' wind blows across from North Africa. Although this wind only prevails a few times a year, it is well known for its ability to bring scorching temperatures in the mid-30s and above which make everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Does It Rain In Summer In Madeira?

Rainfall is very low throughout summer. June averages just 9mm, while July and August frequently go without any rainfall whatsoever. Generally, you can expect to see more rainfall toward the end of September, which has an average monthly rainfall of 36mm, spread across nine rainy days.

Autumn Weather in Madeira 

The weather remains warm throughout autumn, although there is an increased chance of rain and storms. October and November still see daily high temperatures averaging around 23°C and daily low temperatures averaging around 17°C significantly warmer than the UK in the height of summer!

Is It Hot In Madeira In Autumn?

Temperatures in the high 20s are not unheard of at this time of year. Autumn is a great time to visit Madeira, when the temperatures are warm and because all the kids are back at school, the whole island is quiet and many hotels lower their rates in an effort to fill rooms.

Is Madeira Wet In Autumn?

The average monthly rainfall is around 90mm during October, although it is a little higher in November, which is normally one of the wettest months of the year in Madeira. On average there'll be about 14 rainy days during any autumn month.

Winter Weather in Madeira 

It's difficult to describe any period in Madeira as 'winter', since daytime temperatures are frequently around 20°C and almost never fall below 10°C. This makes Madeira a popular destination for northern Europeans seeking a bit of winter sun.

There is still a healthy average of six sunshine hours every day during winter, which means you'll definitely be going home with a golden tan, if that's what you're after.

At an average of 81mm divided between 16 rainy days, rainfall is quite high in Madeira during December. Thankfully, Madeira usually experiences its rainfall in short, heavy downpours, so you shouldn't experience any long periods of drizzle in December.

With an average of 108mm of rainfall, January is slightly wetter than December,while with an average of 72mm of rainfall, February is significantly drier.

Spring Weather in Madeira 

Spring starts off quite wet, but the dry summer weather quickly takes over, along with the arrival of hotter temperatures.

March sees around 52mm of rainfall and is considered to be the end of the wet season in Madeira. The temperatures in March are pleasantly warm, with daily highs averaging at around 19°C and daily lows averaging at around 14°C.

April is around the same temperature but sees more sunshine and lower rainfall. May sees average highs climb into the 20s, and marks the start of the long hot sunny summer days.

Microclimates In Madeira

Madeira's mountainous terrain creates a number of microclimates, with different parts of the island experiencing different types of weather. Funchal, where most of the weather data is recorded, is usually slightly sunnier and drier than other regions, as it is well sheltered by the mountains to the north.

The north and east parts of Madeira are slightly wetter and cooler as they face most of the weather brought by the trade winds that blow from the north east. The mountains shelter the south and west from these winds.

At times when the weather front blows from the west, you may see a lot of rain around the south and the west while the rest of the island is dry and sunny.

Unusual Weather In Madeira

In February 2010, Madeira experienced some of the heaviest rainstorms the island has seen, which caused flooding and landslides. In the natural disaster at least 32 people died and more than 100 had serious injuries, due to the consequences of the severe rainfall.

The dramatic rainfall resulted from an Atlantic low-pressure zone and an active cold front over the Azores which journeyed toward the northeast on February 19, 2010.

This combination of weather conditions resulted in a series of storms that not only affected Madeira but also saw high winds, flooding and rain battering Portugal, Spain, Morocco and the Canary Islands.

The floods and mudslides which occurred all over the southern half of the island were the result of the extreme rainfall. Some places received as much as double the monthly average rainfall within a few hours.