Weather averages

February Averages

We provide average monthly weather statistics for the top 500 resorts viewed on this website. This should allow you to plan ahead for a holiday or a trip enabling you to check the likely weather.

How Weather Averages are calculated

The weather can either enhance or ruin any holiday. Checking weather averages and knowing how they are calculated can help ensure that all of your holidays are as you plan them. Weather conditions determine what clothing to take and what activities to plan. Even if you are on holiday at the top locations and countries around the world, the weather can affect your mood or trigger severe allergies. Biodiversity is also affected by the weather. The most important weather conditions to be aware of are:

  • Average Temperatures
  • Average High and Low Temperatures
  • Average Rainfall
  • Average Sea Temperatures
  • Average Number of Sunshine Hours
  • Average Number of Fog Days
  • Average Number of Snow Days

Average high and low temperatures are statistical averages of temperatures taken over a 30-year period. These measurements need to be considered over a long period of time to be meaningful. Average temperatures differ from typical temperatures, which represent the most common temperatures and give travelers an idea of what to expect during their vacations.Average monthly rainfall is determined by using rain gauges to measure the depth of rain that falls over a specific area. Rainfall measurements are taken every three hours at locations around the world. These observations are made at the same time at every location.Average sea temperatures are measured by satellites using infrared technology. Water absorbs more sunlight than land, stores more heat and retains heat better. The sun's rays penetrate the water causing the water to warm several meters below the surface.

Sunshine is defined as bright light and radiant heat. The World Meteorological Organization describes sunshine duration as the cumulative amount of time during which an area receives direct sunlight. Cloud cover creates diffused light and is not considered in the calculation for sunshine hours. The amount of sunshine an area receives depends on several factors including:

  • Time of day
  • Season
  • Latitude
  • Topographical surface
  • Altitude

The Earth receives and absorbs radiant heat from the sun. Heating and cooling occurs when there is an imbalance between the terrestrial temperature and the radiant heat from the sun. During the day, the sun's heat is higher than the terrestrial temperature and an area experiences warming. When the sun's radiant heat ends at night-time, terrestrial cooling continues until after sunrise. Minimum temperatures actually occur as much as one hour after sunrise. This continued cooling after sunrise is why fog is usually present in the morning.

The average number of fog days and snow days are calculated in much the same way as the other averages. Measurements are taken over a statistically significant time period and averaged.

Turkey offers a diverse climate throughout the country:

  • Average low temperatures range from -43°C/-45°F in the Eastern Anatolia Region to -5°C/23°F in the Mediterranean Region.
  • Average high temperatures range from 38°C/100°F in the Eastern Anatolia Region to 46°C/115°F in the Southeastern Anatolia Region.
  • Average rainfall ranges from 382 mm/15 inches per year in the Central Anatolia Region (steppe climate with snow-capped mountains) to 781 mm/31 inches per year in the Black Sea Coast Region.
  • Sea temperatures range from 16°C/61°F to 23°C/74°F.
  • Average number of sunshine days ranges from 95 hours per month during the winter in the Black Sea Coast Region to 375 hours per month in the Aegean, Mediterranean and Central Anatolia Regions.

Spain enjoys one of the best overall climates in the world:

  • Average low temperatures range from 3°C/37°F in Central Spain to 13°C/56°F in the Balearic Islands.
  • Average high temperatures range from 20°C/69°F in Northeast Spain to 25°C/77°F in Southern Spain.
  • Average rainfall ranges from 599 mm/24 inches per year in the Balearic Islands to 1,909 mm/75 inches per year in Northwest Spain.
  • Sea temperatures range from 16°C/61°F to 23°C/74°F.
  • Average number of sunshine hours ranges from 1,584 hours per year in Northeast Spain to 2,998 hours per year in Southern Spain.

The weather in France is crucial to an enjoyable holiday:

  • Southeastern France has the lowest and highest average temperatures in the country. Average low temperatures range from 4°C/39°F to 12°C/54°F. Average high temperatures range from 15°C/59°F to 20°C/68°F.
  • Average rainfall ranges from 547 mm/22 inches per year in Southeastern France to 1,510 mm/60 inches per year in Southwestern France.
  • Sea temperatures range from 12°C/54°F to 18°C/64°F.
  • Average number of sunshine hours range from 1,512 hours per year in Northwestern France to 2,801 hours per year in Southeastern France.

Tenerife in the Canary Islands offers glorious weather:

  • Average low temperature is 15°C/59°F.
  • Average high temperature is 24°C/75°F.
  • Average rainfall is 412 mm/16 inches per year.
  • Sea temperatures range from 19°C/66°F to 24°C/75°F.
  • Average number of sunshine hours ranges from 7 to 11 hours per day.