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Vienna Weather in February, Austria

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Day Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunrise and sunset

    Day Temperature

  • What is Average Night Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunset and sunrise

    Night Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    3 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    14 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    42 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg 34º
2 Avg 36º
3 Avg 36º
4 Avg 34º
5 Avg 36º
6 Avg 36º
7 Avg 36º
8 Avg 36º
9 Avg 36º
10 Avg 36º
11 Avg 34º
12 Avg 36º
13 Avg 36º
14 Avg 36º
15 Avg 37º
16 Avg 37º
17 Avg 36º
18 Avg 36º
19 Avg 36º
20 Avg 37º
21 Avg 41º
22 Avg 39º
23 Avg 41º
24 Avg 37º
25 Avg 36º
26 Avg 34º
27 Avg 34º
28 Avg 37º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the Weather Like in Vienna in February

Occupying the banks of the Danube River in central Europe, Vienna is one of Europe's most culturally significant cities. The capital of Austria used to be home to the mighty Habsburg family and its many palaces attest to that time of splendour and wealth. Because of the city's location in the heart of Europe, similar to, for example, Budapest, which is another gorgeous central European capital, it is subject to changing weather conditions throughout the year.


February is the last full month of wintera href="">March mostly falls within the winter season, too, but its end marks the beginning of springnd experiences the typical weather that may be expected from that season. It is a cold month. The average temperature isn't higher than merely 1°C. It must be said, however, that this is an improvement over January and December, when it was below freezing, at -1°C. From the end of February onward, the temperature will begin to rise rapidly, though. February nights are generally freezing cold, averaging a nighttime low temperature of -2°C. In the afternoons, the mercury climbs above freezing point and the temperature averages 4°C. Both these average temperatures tend to increase gradually in the course of the month. The nighttime lows rise from -3°C to -1°C, while the afternoon highs increase from 3°C to 6°C.


After the dark and cloudy months of December and January, the skies slowly but gradually begin to clear in February. Cloud cover decreases from 83% on February 1 to 77% on February 28. While these percentages may still be quite high, they will continue to consistently drop until the sky is at its clearest in July.


Although there is that slight drop in cloud cover, precipitation totals remain pretty much the same compared to the previous two winter months. February receives 42mm of precipitation, which is spread out over 14 days with precipitation (50% of all days this month). The chance that any form of precipitation occurs averages 59% and doesn't vary much.


The most likely type of precipitation in February is moderate snow, which falls on 38% of all days with precipitation. Moderate rain is quite likely as well, falling on 32% of those days. Light rain and light snow may be observed as well, respectively occurring on 11% and 10% of the days with precipitation.

Sunshine Hours

February is characterised by fastly increasing day lengths. While February 1 is the shortest day of the month with 9.29 daylight hours, February 28, the longest day, is much longer with 11 hours of daylight. Sunshine hours haven't increased yet compared with January, and still average 5 each day. However, from March onward, sunshine will increase rapidly.

If you're looking for a weather forecast for Vienna, you are advised to visit this page.

Hotels for Vienna in February

Hotel Capricorno

Situated in the very heart of Vienna, close to both Imperial Vienna and contemporary Vienna, Hotel Capricorno is a four-star hotel that boasts modern and colourful rooms. Those rooms are very well-equipped with cable TV, a mini-bar, a bathroom with tub and shower, a hairdryer and free internet access. Additional facilities include car parking, a breakfast room, a business centre, car rental service and laundry service.

Opernring Hotel

The Opernring Hotel is another strongly recommended place to stay in central Vienna in February. It lies across the renowned State Opera, which is an absolutely perfect location for simply playing touristlmost all major highlights can be reached on foot. This four-star hotel features many interesting facilities and amenities, such as an open-air beer bar and restaurant, free internet, a laundry service and even a nightclub. All rooms are equipped with a safe, mini-bar, bathroom, cable TV, internet and a coffee and tea maker.

Hotel-Pension Walzerstadt

Hotel-Pension Walzerstadt is a cheaper accommodation option compared with the above four-star hotels. People with a smaller budget can base themselves in this small 13-room pension. All those rooms are made with wood and have a TV, internet, shower and toilet, and telephone. Although it isn't located in the city centre, the nearby underground makes it possible to get there instantly. The pension's neighbourhood is also home to many restaurants and shops.

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Restaurants and Bars for Vienna in February

Vienna Bistro

A typical place to eatnd one that you simply have to visit during your vacationn Vienna is a Vienna bistro, locally known as "beisl". A classic bistro in Vienna consists of a roomy bar area, wood paneling as well as no-frills seating. Tables and chairs are simple and don't feature any elaborate decorations. Food served there is traditional, including dishes such as schnitzel, goulash, soups and baked goods.


A typical bistro is Steman in the 6th District. A popular get-together place for more than a century, this authentic eating venue has a wonderful menu filled with local specialties.

Zum Friedensrichter

Another recommended bistro to try is Zum Friedensrichter. This is a great place to go for lunch, an afternoon snack or drink, and dinner in the evenings. Its menu is extensive, but this one is most well-known for its schnitzels and deep-fried food.

Viennese Bistro's

Other suggested Viennese bistros include, but aren't limited to, Gasthaus Wolf, Rebhuhn, Beim Czaak, Petz im Gusshaus and the modern Skopik & Lohn.

Things to Do in Vienna in February 

As February slowly sees the temperatures risespecially toward the end of the monthienna slowly becomes a bit more lively. That being said; snowfall is still prevalent this time of year, which creates a magical atmosphere. Visiting Vienna this month will involve spending lots of time inside some kind of building.

Museum Quartier

Luckily, there are plenty of buildings to visit, as well as cafés and coffee bars to hang out in. The Museum Quartier, for example, is a part of the city that attracts many thousands of visitors each year. This fascinating, attraction-filled area is home to great institutions such as the Leopold Museum, the Art Hall of Vienna, the Vienna Architecture Centre, the Museum of Modern Art, the Dancing Quarter, a children's museum and a few event and concert venues. It's a lively place, to say the least, and you can find amusement there during the day and sometimes also in the evening.