By August, the temperatures have reached their peak for the year.
Expect long, hot and sunny days if you're in Vendee in August.
Don't forget to protect yourself from the sun's strong rays, though, with a decent sun cream. Stay out of the sun during the peak hours of the day as well to ensure you don't get a sun burn.
The average daily temperature for this month in Vendee is 18°C (64°F) which can reach 24°C (75°F) or drop to 13°C (55°F).
There is an average of 8 hours of sunshine each day in Vendee.
The average amount of rainfall this month in Vendee is 40 mm.
With the weather this hot, anything more physically exerting than lying down on the beach and soaking up the sun may not appeal. With plenty of beautiful beaches in Vendee, finding somewhere to lie out should not be a problem!
If you do want to do more with your time, though, there are plenty of activities to do in Vendee. For those who want to try something new, Vendee's beaches are the perfect place to try out sand yachting.
For water based sports, there are plenty that can be done off of Vendee's sunny shores. With surfing, sailing, kayaking and parascending all available for visitors to try out, there will be plenty to keep you occupied with during your time in Vendee.
If you want to take in Vendee's nightlife, there will be plenty for you to do. With many restaurants, bars and clubs in the area, you can party away til the early hours! You're guaranteed to find the right night for you in Vendee.