In Thassos in July, one can expect average temperature highs of 30°C (85°F) during the day.
Average temperature lows of20°C (68°F) should be expected in the evenings.
The average precipitation in July is 32 mm or about 1¼ inches. It's very dry in the summertime in Thassos, whereas the winter time is rather wet.
The weather will range from warm in the evenings to hot during the day and there's an average relative humidity of 60%. Travelers to Thassos in July are advised to check current weather forecasts prior to their arrival.
Beaches in July may be crowded, especially the famous ones such as Golden Beach and Paradise Beach, but visitors shouldn't be afraid to venture a little further afield and explore some of the off the beaten track coves at the northwest or northeast part of the island.
Daytime tours of the surrounding towns can give visitors a look at some of the architecture and history that Greece is so famous for.
Visitors can get a feel for Greek culture in the morning and then in the afternoon enjoy some swimming or boating in the Aegean.
At night, checking out the local taverns is likely to be an adventure as people from all over the world will be gathered together to reminisce about their day over some good wine or cool drinks.