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Sunrise 06:47
Sunset 18:23
Sunrise 06:47
Sunset 18:23
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Updated at 06:00 GMT
Sunrise 06:47
Sunset 18:23
Temp feels like:
15ºC (59 ºF)
Length of day:
11h 36m
29" (1010 hpa)
6 miles (10 km)
Wind speed:
15 km/h
Tarifa, in the region of Andalucia of southernmost Spain, enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild, wet winters. Sitting on a point in the Strait of Gibraltar, Tarifa is a very windy place and is a great place for windsurfing and kite surfing. It is the closest part of Spain to Morocco in Africa. Tarifa and Tangiers are separated by under 20 miles of water.
Summer in Tarifa, from June till September, sees average high temperatures in the mid 20s peaking in July and August at 27°C. It can often get into the low 30s, but the wind cools the air considerably, making temperatures in Tarifa very pleasant. Rainfall is very low throughout the summer and the sun is almost always out. As mass tourism has not yet reached this part of Spain in the same way as it has the Costa del Sol, this really is a fantastic time to enjoy Tarifaâs golden beaches and turquoise sea. In many other Spanish resorts it is advisable to avoid the crowds of the peak season, but they do not reach quite the same levels in Tarifa. However, the sea is usually packed with water sport enthusiasts taking advantage of Tarifaâs wind, and the sky will be full of their brightly coloured kites and sails.
Autumn, in October and November, sees temperatures dipping from a mild 21°C to a milder 17°C in the day times. October is still a good time to visit and November is also suitable for sport or walking holidays. Not too far from Tarifa is the mountainous region of San Bartolo which offers a fantastic landscape and many bolted routes for sport climbing. Towards the end of November the weather starts to become more unpredictable and showers can fall. The sky is intermittently overcast but the sun still stays out for many hours on most days. However, night times can be very cool around 13°C.
Winter, from December till March, is very mild. The Average high temperature drops from 16°C in December to an annual low of 14°C in January before creeping back up to 16°C in February and 17°C in March. Average lows do not fall below 10°C and it almost never gets down to freezing. This is the wettest time of year and the most hard to predict. Cold winds and violent storms can lead to prolonged periods of woolly jumper and coat weather, but when the sun comes out the heat can suddenly rise up into the 20s and youâll find yourself in a t shirt. Because of this it is difficult to recommend or advise against visiting at this time of year. The sea is too cool for swimmers but those wanting to wind or kite surf can don their wetsuits and enjoy the wind. Waves do not get too big apart from after particularly bad storms.
Spring, in April and May, sees a quick return to heat. The average high temperature in April is 19°C and this rises to 21°C by May. April nights are still cool and the sea does not reach 18°C till June. The rain relents and the sun begins to come out for longer periods. However, early in the season conditions are still unpredictable; April regularly sees days up in the mid 20s but also sees blustery wet days nearer 15°C.
Tarifaâs weather can be attributed to its position on the Strait of Gibraltar which, while it is the most southerly point in northern Europe, puts it in the path of two major winds: the south-easterly Levante and the westerly Poneinte.