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Swansea Live Weather, United Kingdom



4° 39°

Your Time: Time in Swansea: 12:08

12:00 PM, Thu 21st Nov

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    08h 33m
  • Pressure
    29" (999 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    20 km/h

Sunrise 07:45

Sunset 16:18
  • Temp feels like:

    1ºC (33 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    08h 33m

  • Pressure:

    29" (999 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    20 km/h

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What's the weather like in Swansea?

Swansea is a coastal city in Wales in the United Kingdom. It is the second largest city in Wales (after the capital, Cardiff). It is an increasingly popular leisure destination, with five miles of sandy beaches and good quality surf.

Swansea experiences a temperate maritime climate with mild summers and mild winters.

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Summer weather in Swansea

Summer lasts from May to September and is fairly mild. Summer weather arrives in May, which sees average temperatures of 15°C. This may not sound very high, but conditions can be extremely pleasant on sunny days. May is also the driest month of the year, seeing an average of 51mm of rain.

June sees average temperatures rise to 17°C, and temperatures can regularly push well into the twenties on sunny days. The average is dragged down somewhat by the odd cool day when skies can be overcast.

July is the warmest month of the year, with an average temperature of 19°C. Again, temperatures can get much higher than this on clear days, but visitors should be prepared for the odd cloudy day and possibly rain. An average 53mm of rainfall illustrates the fact that rain remains commonplace in summer, so visitors are advised to pack an umbrella. August is slightly cooler, and rain remains a threat, but sunny days can bring fabulous weather and the days are long. Like the rest of the United Kingdom, the weather at any time of year can be somewhat unpredictable, and summer weather can veer from cloudy and wet to glorious sunshine and temperatures pushing thirty degrees.

September sees summer draw to a close as temperatures fall to 17°C. Rainfall rises significantly to 102mm, and the evenings can be a little chilly.

Autumn Weather in Swansea

Autumn (October-mid-November) is chilly and wetter than the rest of the year. Swansea coastal location means that it is spared some of the harsher weather found inland in Wales, and temperatures are reasonably mild in comparison. October averages 14°C and November 11°C. Temperatures usually drop sharply in mid-November.

The flip-side of Swansea location by the sea means it is exposed to wet Atlantic weather. A great deal of this arrives in autumn and October rainfall averages 131mm while November sees 130mm. This is unusually high for the UK, and Cardiff is in fact the wettest city in the UK.

Winter weather in Swansea

Winter (late-November-February) is fairly mild considering Swansea northerly latitude, but conditions can get quite severe. December averages 9°C, but it can be much colder in the mornings and evenings. Frost is common. January is the coldest month when temperatures average 8°C. Again, that can get much colder and snow is likely to fall on a few days during the month. February is similarly cold, but sees more sunshine and less rain and snow.

Spring Weather in Swansea

Spring (March and April) sees skies brighten and brings some very pleasant weather. March is quite wet, and can be quite cold, but warms gradually. April sees plenty of sunshine, punctuated by occasionally heavy rain showers. Average temperatures of 12°C mean it never gets hot, but sunny days can be pleasantly mild.