What's the weather like in Side in March
The month of March in Side experiences warmer temperatures as compared to the last two months. The average temperature for this month is at 13°C (which is 2 degrees warmer than February). The lowest recorded temperature in March is 8°C, which occurs during night time, and the warmest recorded temperature is 18°C, which happens at noon.
Average Sea Temperature
The average sea temperature this month is 17°C. Although the sea temperature is still relatively cold, visitors can still hit the beach for water activities like Jet Ski and parasailing. You can also enjoy the sun in the kilometer long crystal, white sands of the east and west beaches.
The average rainfall for the month is 102mm spread throughout nine days during March. Rain is less likely to happen this month, but visitors can experience days where there are light drizzles, while thunderstorms are less likely to occur. As March is the first month of spring, the timing of the rain is just about right to help out the locals with their agriculture.
Average Sunshine Hours
Visitors to Side will get to enjoy more time outside during the day in March because of an increase in the average daily sunshine, which is 10 hours per day, up two hours compared to the first two months of the year. This is the perfect time to visit the marketplace to buy fresh produce, souvenirs and other local products, as well as to go on tours and visit ruin sites all over Side and neighboring towns.
More tourists start to come to town in March not primarily for a swim, but for day tours to see the culture and history, in addition to enjoying the nightlife in clubs like Lighthouse Side, Athena Club, and Piknik Pub Bar, which have non-stop party music all night long! Since there is better and dryer weather conditions this month, a lot of tourists also come this time of the year for trekking, biking, hiking and the like.
Outdoor dining and picnics are perfect during March because of the warmer temperature and weather conditions. March is a perfect month for tourists who want to spend time soaking in the sun, visiting ruins and exploring the ancient history of the gods and goddesses of ancient times.
Side Hotels in March
For budget conscious individuals, you can also stay at the Safari Suit Hotel or the Neptun Hotel, which are friendly and peaceful places for guests.
Turquoise Resort Hotel and Spa and Royal Dragon Hotel are distinguished luxury hotels where every guest can experience an accommodating and peaceful stay with great food and luxurious amenities. For the rich and the famous, you can travel by a helicopter to the Crystal Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort & SPA and be welcomed by the friendly staff. The location is in the middle of Manavgat and Side, which is quite strategic for tourists who would want to go back and forth between these towns for tours.
Side Beach for March
The average see temperature this month is 17 which will make you think twice about going for a swim. The sea temperature is the same as its coldest month, January, but there are other activities on the beach that you can choose to do because you get 10 hours of sun this month. For those who still want to go swimming, the Amateur Swimming Association in the UK suggests that 16 is the minimum open water temperature for swimming, which makes the sea water temperature just about right for a 20 minute dip.
Hotels located on beachfronts offer the perfect spot for topping up on your tan. There are strategically positioned outdoor lounge chairs with umbrellas, plus you can play Frisbee, volleyball, and a variety of other sports on the sand.
Bars and Restaurants
Conny's Restaurant is a treat for diners who want to have an adventurous Friday night dinner night out with their ever famous Murder Dinner Game. The game is played over a four-course meal and is especially fun for those who enjoy entertainment with their meal.
The Novi Restaurant of Scandinavia is another great pick when it comes to dining, and it is near the beautiful beach of Side. You can experience fresh homemade food in both indoor and outdoor areas. The food is excellent with a wide range of options on their menu like Chateau Briand, Leg of Lamb, Tortellini Salmone, and a whole lot more.
The Lighthouse Side, Athena Club, and Piknik Pub Bar are the top places to go to for a fun filled night filled with dancing and good music. For laid-back evenings and dining, you can go to the Surf Café Bar, which is a great spot for a quiet night with a great list of drinks to choose from.
Things to do in Side in March
One of the best ways to experience some of Side's history is to visit the Greek Amphitheater, the Side Museum, and the Temple of Apollo. If you travel about 15 minutes from Side, which is about 10 kilometers in distance from the center of Side, you will encounter the Mosque of Manavgat and appreciate the great architecture and experience the faith of the local people.
For family fun activities, the Manavgat Dolphin Park is a great place to watch sea life perform tricks, such as a walrus become a DJ and spin a beat in his turntable, a dolphin shoot a basket, and a dolphin dance. If you are willing to get wet, you can even swim with the dolphins. Show starts as early as 9:00 am
The picture perfect Green Canyon is another that is best during a sunny March day. The boat tour will take the whole day and starts early in the morning. The Manavgat Belediyesi Kapali Carsi Bazaar is the perfect stop in the afternoon to buy souvenirs and cheap apparel.