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Seefeld in Tirol Live Weather, Tirol, Austria

Seefeld in Tirol


14° 57°

Your Time: Time in Seefeld in Tirol: 18:06

6:00 PM, Fri 28th Mar

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    12h 37m
  • Pressure
    29" (1006 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    5 km/h

Sunrise 06:00

Sunset 18:37
  • Temp feels like:

    14ºC (57 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    12h 37m

  • Pressure:

    29" (1006 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    5 km/h

Search for your next stay in Seefeld in Tirol Choose from millions of homes, hotels and other properties all over the world

Seefeld in Tirol is a popular holiday resort in Austria with clear mountain air and picturesque landscapes. Horse-drawn buggies are very popular with visitors travelling round the villages and lakes around the area. Seefeld in Tirol is a lovely destination for family holidays with the lakes and mountains making an amazing natural and outdoor playground for children, with plenty of space for exploring the area. Whether itâs tobogganing, skiing, swimming, golf, climbing, canyoning, archery, fishing, a visit to the Seefeld Casino or the gym and fitness centre, Seefeld in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Tirol is sure to have something to suit your tastes. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Summer is a popular time in Seefeld in Tirol for walking, with warm average high temperatures of 23°C in June, 25°C in July and 24°C in August. All average low temperatures during Summer are above freezing, with 11°C in June and 13°C in July and August. It is estimated that Seefeld in Tirol will have no snow days in Summer.

Summer receives the most rain compared to other seasons, with 21 days experiencing precipitation in June and July and 19 rainy days in August. June has 123mm of rain and August has 126mm of rain. July is the wettest month of the year with 138mm of rain. Visitors are advised to come prepared for their visit to Seefeld in Tirol, packing clothing for all weather and to check the weather forecast.

The Autumn climate in Seefeld in Tirol is still warm at the beginning with an average high of 20°C and an average low of 9°C in September. As the days draw shorter, however, temperatures drop in Autumn to an average high of 16°C in October and a cool 8°C in November. The average low temperatures are chilly, with 5°C in October and 0°C in November.

September has no snow days but snow does fall for one day in October and during 7 days on average in November. September receives an average 83mm of rain during 17 days of precipitation, October has 14 rainy days with 68mm and November has around 15 precipitation days at 70mm.

Winter is typically the coldest time of year in Seefeld in Tirol and receives the most snow. The average low temperatures throughout Winter are all below freezing; -4°C in December and February and -5°C in January (the coldest month of the year). The average high temperatures are still rather cold, with 4°C in December and January and a warmer 7°C in February. Snowfalls usually occur for 11 days in December, 9 days in January and 10 days in February.

If you can brave the cold, Seefeld in Tirol during Winter is an ideal holiday resort for skiing holidays. Each month in Winter receives 10 precipitation days, with 62mm of rain comes down in December, 38mm of rainfall in January and 50mm in February.  

Spring is typically warmer than Winter with an average high of 12°C in March and 15°C in April. May is the warmest month on Spring with an average high of a warm 21°C. The average lows for Spring are 0°C in March, 3°C in April and 8°C in May. Seefeld in Tirol receives 67mm of rain in March with 15 rainy days, 72mm in April with 18 days of precipitation and 84mm in May with 19 days with some rain. It snows 7 days each month in March and 3 days in April. There are no snow days in May.

Even on cloudy days, it is recommended that visitors use sunglasses and sun cream because Seefeld in Tirol is at a higher altitude than what many visitors are used to and so sun rays are stronger.