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Sardinia Weather in November, Italy

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Day Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunrise and sunset

    Day Temperature

  • What is Average Night Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunset and sunrise

    Night Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    5 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    14 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    38 mm

November, 2025

1 Avg 17º 63º
2 Avg 16º 61º
3 Avg 17º 63º
4 Avg 18º 64º
5 Avg 14º 57º
6 Avg 10º 50º
7 Avg 13º 55º
8 Avg 12º 54º
9 Avg 13º 55º
10 Avg 14º 57º
11 Avg 14º 57º
12 Avg 13º 55º
13 Avg 11º 52º
14 Avg 12º 54º
15 Avg 13º 55º
16 Avg 14º 57º
17 Avg 14º 57º
18 Avg 14º 57º
19 Avg 14º 57º
20 Avg 13º 55º
21 Avg 13º 55º
22 Avg 12º 54º
23 Avg 15º 59º
24 Avg 13º 55º
25 Avg 14º 57º
26 Avg 10º 50º
27 Avg 48º
28 Avg 12º 54º
29 Avg 11º 52º
30 Avg -
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the weather like in Sardinia in November


Summer is long gone as November arrives in Sardinia, and winter begins to take hold, with cooler temperatures and less in the way of sunshine. This is no bad thing, as cooler temperatures mean you can get out and explore the island much easier, without crowds, heat, or humidity. Winters in Sardinia aren't particularly bracing as they can be in other parts of Europe, so despite the cooler air, you won't feel freezing in general, unless you head into the mountains.

Sunshine Hours and Sea Temperatures

You can expect an average November temperature of around 13°C, which is still in double figures, and can even rise to an average high of 17°C on a good day. The average low reaches around 9°C, so a jacket is advisable for evening walks. Sunshine hours may be less than you will be used to over the summer months, but November still sees an average of 5 hours of sunshine per day across Sardinia, and the sea temperature only drops to around 18°C during this month.


As with most winter months in Sardinia, rain is more plentiful than it has been over the summer, and in November you can expect around 39mm on average, affecting 14 days throughout the month simply remember your umbrella.

Sardinia Hotels in November

Panorama Hotel

November means winter, and that means city break central. Cagliari is a fantastic place to visit during the winter months, and the range of accommodation on offer is plentiful. You will find something for every budget, usually within close distance to everything you need. The Panorama Hotel is a great choice for those who want to stay half board or bed and breakfast, very close to all the city has to offer, including the very popular Museo di Bonaria.

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Sardinia Beaches in November

November sees more in the way of rain and cooler temperatures, which means sunbathing on the beach isn't really going to be at the top of your to-do list. Despite that however, there are plenty of walking, hiking, and photography opportunities around Sardinia's beaches to keep you occupied.

Porto Pollo

If you're based in the north of the island then Porto Pollo is a great spot to head to. This is a wild and windy part of the island, located near Palau, and is a great choice for checking out nature at its most beautiful. Water sports are very popular here due to the cross winds.

Cala Gonone

Cala Gonone is perfect for the active types, just as well as those who want to sit and admire the beautiful cliffs and clear waters of this beach. The surrounding rocky cliffs are great for climbers, and the clean waters are idea for kayaking, swimming and diving.

Restaurants and Bars

Malp Bar

Winter months mean you need to brighten up your days a little, and in Sardinia that's very easily done with gastronomy. Malp Bar in Olbia offers a huge range of different dishes, including great seafood and wine, easily located on the main road, giving you no reason not to head out and enjoy your evening's entertainment and a delicious meal. Try the fabulous bread crumb mussels (moules au gratin) packed with flavour, or the traditional Italian style herby chicken.

SardOa Aperitivo di Vino

Alternatively, brightening up your day is quite literal in Alghero when you visit SardOa Aperitivo di Vino. The funky interior is colourful and bright, perfect for winter days, and the food is just as wonderful too!

Bombas Hamburgeria Sarda

Alternatively, you could make it all about the food, and if you're in Cagliari and you're searching for something different, head to Bombas Hamburgeria Sarda. Here you will find without a doubt the best homemade burgers on the island, if not anywhere outside of the USA!

Things to do in Sardinia in November

Christmas Shopping

Fancy a spot of Christmas shopping before the festive season comes? Sardinia is great for shopping, especially in Cagliari. Largo Carlo Felice and Via Roma are the places to head for fashion stores, bags and accessories, whilst Vias Garibaldi and Manno are for local handicraft stores. Basically, Cagliari is where it's at for shopping, and your credit card will be weeping by the end of your stay!

Wine Tasting Tour

If you don't fancy shopping, or you want to do something a little different after you've bashed your credit card, how about a wine tasting tour? Here you can learn about how wine is cultivated and made, before trying a few different types out for your own satisfaction! You could pair this with a food tour and seriously fill your belly! You'll find wine tours all around the island, and many different companies offering transport to and from. Wine Resort Leda' d'Ittiri is a local wine tasting establishment in Alghero.

Acquario Cala Gonone

Families will love exploring the underwater world at Acquario Cala Gonone. Admire a wide variety of fish, sharks, turtles as well as coral species. Journey through the aquarium in the afternoon to witness the big fish being fed, great fun for kids to watch!

Butterfly House

For nature lovers, also head to the Butterfly House in Olmedo. This biosphere is home to over 400 types of butterflies which are flying free to admire up close, as well as a swimming pool, play area and food court.

Mountain Bike Hire

Sporty types can appreciate the rugged terrain of Sardinia by hiring a mountain bike and exploring the wonderful scenery. Adults and children's bikes can be hired by the day or week, and routes and tours are available upon request.

Andrea Jensen

Colder temperatures don't have to mean you can't enjoy nature, and the possibility of spotting dolphins and small whales is something you shouldn't pass up. Obviously there's no guarantees, but even if you don't see any, you get a great day out on a boat! The Andrea Jensen is a popular day out, exploring the marine reserve around the Alghero region.

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