Puerto Plata's tropical climate means that the area sees only two seasons: hot and less hot.
While the summer sees the temperatures reach their peaks, high levels of humidity can make the weather feel even hotter and this can be uncomfortable if you're not used to it. At this time of the year, the humidity drops, leaving much more pleasant temperatures that remain high.
If you want sun and heat guaranteed, Puerto Plata is a great place to consider for your holiday.
The average daily temperature for this month in Puerto Plata is can reach highs of 29°C or drop to temperatures as low as 18°C.
The average sea temperature is 26°C (79°F).
The average amount of rainfall this month in Puerto Plata is 122 mm over 9 days.
There is an average of 7 hours of sunshine each day in Puerto Plata.
Horse riding is a very popular sport in Puerto Plata and the majority of the hotels will have the facilities to allow guests to go for a ride. Not only is it a popular sport, but it is a fantastic way to explore the area and take in some of the spectacular scenery. Go up into the mountains, explore the luscious green fields or simply ride around the horse riding grounds or tracks.