Parga enjoys a Mediterranean influence with semi-dry climate.
December brings in nice weather compared to other northern European countries.
You will see temperatures dropping drastically since the daytime sun is limited to 6 hours.
December's average daily temperature is at its highest 13°C (that's 55°F) and at its lowest 7°C (that's 45°F).
December precipitation rises bringing in more rain to the area.
The wettest month of the year in Parga brings in 190mm over 13 wet days. An umbrella, rain jacket and boots are recommended along with long pants, shirts, and a sweatshirt, if traveling during this time of year.
Cheap accommodation is offered at all hotels in Parga during Christmas time.
It is the perfect cold weather getaway for the holiday season.
Theatre productions by children from the Parga area are showcased around the village.