Parga in August is beautiful. Temperatures in August get to high's of 29°c (that's 84°f) with a comfortable evening temperatures of 20°C (about 68°F).
There's an average of 13 hours of sun each day.
There is no need for an umbrella when visiting Parga in August.
Minimal rainfall occurs, with the average rainfall being 20mm over 4 days.
In August you can enjoy a few festivals. On August 6th, the Parga residents celebrate the move of their town from its old position on Mount Pezovolo to it's current spot near the Parga Castle.
On August 14th, check out the music and fireworks at the Kanaria Festival along the Port of Parga for the historical celebration. Boats are decorated and a mock congregation occurs as these boats simulate the return of residents after past migration.