What's the Weather like in Paphos in March?
Temperatures begin to climb during March in Paphos, Cyprus which makes it a good month for exploring the city. It's not peak season so it's quiter than usual and you'll probably be able to find good deals on flights and accommodation.
Is It Hot In Paphos In March?
There is an average daytime maximum temperature of 18.5°C and an average minimum of 9°C overnight. Frosts are rare although an average March will feature one ground frost.
How Wet Is Paphos In March?
March is generally quite a dry month, with a mean precipitation total of 34mm, spread over an average ofeight wet days a month. Depending on the track of the jet stream and associated low pressure systems from the Atlantic Ocean, March rain can be unpredictable.
Average Sunshine Hours
Sunshine is reliable during March with 7.9 hours per day. Even when wet spells arrive, the rain is often heavy and over with quickly, allowing the sun to shine for significant periods in between.
Is It Warm Enough To Swim In The Sea In March?
The average sea temperature is at its lowest during February and March, with a long-term average is 17°C, which is rather cool for swimming in.
Hotels for Paphos in March
Helios Bay Hotel
There are many good hotels around Paphos, with choices to cater for most tastes. The Helios Bay Hotel is a good beach hotel close to the sea with 4-star accommodation, and includes wheelchair access, a restaurant and a pool, among other attractions.
Royal Seacrest
Self-catering options include renting holiday homes/villas such as the Royal Seacrest, 500 metres from the Tomb of the Kings road.
Beaches for March for Paphos
Coral Bay
March is not one of the best times of year for swimming or diving, but the beaches can be pleasant during fine spells, particularly as tourists tend not to be numerous at this time of year. Coral Bay is a popular beach for water sports and lies next to numerous attractions and restaurants.
Lara Bay Turtle Conservation Station
The Lara Bay Turtle Conservation Station at Akamas is a secluded beach featuring turtles that are specially conserved, most notably the Chelonia mydas species, which is in danger of extinction. The south-eastern bay contains a sandy beach.
Restaurants and Bars for Paphos in March
O'Neill's Irish Bar
O'Neill's Irish Bar, at Tomb of the Kings Road, serves pub food during the daytime and offers sports coverage via TV screens. It also has live music on stage on every weekend, though not usually on weekdays at this time of year.
Things to do in Paphos in March
Akamas Peninsula
With reliable but not particularly hot weather, April is quite a good time of year to go for walks and seek out various beautiful scenic attractions in and around Paphos. The Akamas Peninsula is a good place to go for a wide range of unusual wildlife. There are pine, juniper and maquis forests, gorges, sand dunes and cliffs in the area.
A wide range of rare flora and fauna live in the area, and out of 128 endemic plant species of Cyprus, a total of 39 are found in this area alone. It is a good area to go for a walk or hike while surveying the scenery, and there are opportunities to sunbathe along the coastline too. The beaches are also the home of some turtles, including the endangered Green Turtle species.
Ancient Odeon
Those who fancy an evening trip to see some theatre can consider trying the Ancient Odeon, a 2nd century theatre which often serves as the main base for theatrical performances at Paphos.
Daktari Jeep Safari
Daktari Jeep Safari specialises in off-road trips to locations on the island that would normally be difficult to access. There are two main trips offered, to the Akamas Peninsula or to the Troodos Mountains.
In the case of the Akamas trip, visitors are shown various attractions in the area, including visits to Lara Bay (the main turtle conservation spot), Akamas caves, and are then taken to have a lunch at a small village, before getting the opportunity to go swimming at Laitchi Bay. Visitors have a significant choice in which routes are used, and can focus on using main roads or off-road/dirt tracks depending on personal preference.
Dates for the diary
Paphos Marathon
March features the Paphos Marathon and half-marathon event which is held annually, usually early in the month. The marathon lasts for approximately 5 hours and runs along the coast, starting at the Aphrodite's rock, and the half-marathon lasts for approximately 3 hours. There is also a fun run and a selection of music and dances.
Classical Games
On the 25th of March each year, the Classical Games celebrations are held at Pafiako Athletic Centre in Paphos and commemorate many ancient Olympic games, and feature music and fireworks near the end of the celebrations.