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Paphos Weather in February, Cyprus

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Day Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunrise and sunset

    Day Temperature

  • What is Average Night Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunset and sunrise

    Night Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    7 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    8 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    64.2 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg 13º 55º
2 Avg 12º 54º
3 Avg 13º 55º
4 Avg 13º 55º
5 Avg 14º 57º
6 Avg 13º 55º
7 Avg 13º 55º
8 Avg 14º 57º
9 Avg 14º 57º
10 Avg 14º 57º
11 Avg 12º 54º
12 Avg 13º 55º
13 Avg 13º 55º
14 Avg 14º 57º
15 Avg 14º 57º
16 Avg 14º 57º
17 Avg 14º 57º
18 Avg 13º 55º
19 Avg 12º 54º
20 Avg 13º 55º
21 Avg 13º 55º
22 Avg 14º 57º
23 Avg 15º 59º
24 Avg 15º 59º
25 Avg 14º 57º
26 Avg 15º 59º
27 Avg 15º 59º
28 Avg 15º 59º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's The Weather Like in Paphos in February?

Paphos in February is usually the coldest month of the year but it's quite mild and sunny when compared with other countries in northern Europe. There are fewer tourists around, so it's an excellent month for sightseeing and walking or experiencing the town as the locals do.

Is It Hot In Paphos In February?

The temperatures are usually mild, with an average daytime maximum temperature of 17°C and an average minimum of 8°C overnight.

How Much Does It Rain In Paphos?

February has an average precipitation total of 64mm, spread over 11 wet days. But the rain tends to be shorter-lived than it is in northern Europe.

How Much Sunshine Does Paphos Get In February?

The sunshine in February quite reliable, with an average of seven hours per day. But the average sea temperature is at its lowest at 17°C, which is rather cool for swimming in.

Hotels for Paphos in February

Avanti Village

The Avanti Village at Poseidon Avenue offers good 4-star accommodation and has a restaurant, swimming pool and fitness centre, among other attractions.

Dimma Seaside Houses

The Dimma Seaside Houses at Road Chlorakas, are a family-run set of apartments and contain a small cocktail bar to sit at during the evenings.

Azurro Luxury Holiday Villas

There are many villas and apartments that are available for rent for holidays and one of the most impressive and luxurious options is the Azurrro Luxury Holiday Villas at Azurro Village.

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Beaches for February for Paphos 

Vrysoudia Beach

February is rather early in the season for reliable weather for beach trips, but nonetheless the beaches can be attractive during fine spells as they are usually quiet at this time of year. Vrysoudia Beach B is good for water sports, and it contains good views over towards Paphos harbour and castle.

Pachyammos Beach

The Pachyammos Beach is one of many beaches in the Paphos area that has been awarded the blue flag, and it is close to numerous restaurants, making it a good spot to stop off and have a quick relax or hike across the beach.

Restaurants and Bars for Paphos in February

Akis Taverna

There are many good restaurants in the Paphos district with options to cater for most tastes. A good bet for European cuisine and a tavern experience is the Akis Taverna at Acheleia on the old road to Paphos Airport, which has the advantage of also being relatively inexpensive.

Rose Pub Cyprus

The Rose Pub Cyprus at Paphos Pres de Port serves some high-quality pub snacks and breakfasts and also provides live music on evenings.

Old Fishing Shack Ale and Cider House

Those after a good beer and ale bar can consider the Old Fishing Shack Ale and Cider House at Margarita Gardens, Tefkrou Street.

Things to do in Paphos in February

Paphos Archaeological Museum

February is quite a good time of year to check out the various museums in and around Paphos. The Paphos Archaeological Museum at Griva Digeni 43, Paphos has numerous Cypriot antiquities which date back as far as the Neolithic era. There are five rooms boasting exhibits from a number of different historic periods and these include tombstones and antiques and decorations. Note though that the museum is closed on Sundays.

Ethnographical Museum

The Ethnographical Museum at 1 Exo Vrisis Street, Paphos is worth seeing for its exhibits stemming from George Eliades, who collected many art treasures from his local area, mostly in the countryside around Paphos. These include costumes, wooden furniture, and various archaeological finds stemming mainly from the Chalcolithic period.

Steni Museum of Village Life

Those after a display of how village life used to be in the Paphos area can consider the Steni Museum of Village Life at Steni, at which guides give an account of the sort of manual labour that was required in the past and provide displays of traditional costumes, among other attractions.

Venetian Camel Route Tour

There are some good tours of the area available. One good option is the Venetian Camel Route Tour, which is offered by Exclam Enduro Tours, who are based at 15 Parola Street, Parekklisia. This is a camel trail which heads into some of the remote parts of the island.

There are three Venetian bridges as part of the tour, and according to the company's website, the bridges were built to enable pack animals, mainly camels, to cross the river when carrying copper from the Troodos mines to Paphos. There are various other tours offered, including a Coast to Peak to Coast tour (suitable only for Level 6+ walkers, available November to June) and a Viper Stream tour (also suitable for Level 6+ and available November to June).

Dates for the diary

Limassol Carnival

In Limassol, approximately 36 miles away from Paphos and accessible by shuttle bus, the Limassol Carnival takes place, usually in February, although note that in some years it is held in early March rather than in February. There is typically a number of carnival parades, cultural events, and entertainment events, and the carnival lasts for ten days.

There are no other major annual events in February but a typical February will usually have art and music exhibitions at some of the main museums and galleries in and around Paphos. Details are usually available close to the time.