Cycling up Mount Teide , you will encounter different weather from the start to the summit.
Bottom of climb 🚴♀️⬇️
At the start of the ride irrespective of the time of year, the weather is likely to be a warm average of 22C but as you climb, it becomes cooler and packing another top is wise. You can start from sea level or inland.
Mount Teide is a straight-ish climb, almost relentless with a lack of hairpin bends that you will find in the Alps. It’s similar to the Tour de France favourite Mont Ventoux.
There are however Hairpins after you get through Arona which is a third of the way up, 16 of them between 12.4km and 16.4km at 6.5% gradient.
Mount Teide is one of the mountains which enthusiastic cyclists all aim to climb. The 5 main routes are from Los Cristianos , EL Medano, Puerto de la Cruz, Playa la Arena and Santa Cruz. All over 50km.
All rides are about 50km and climbing of 2500m with the ride from Los Cristianos having an ascent of 2.8km.
Mid Mountain 🚴🏻➡️
Just south of Vilarflor ( 1400m up ) it gets steeper at 6.5%, this is 23.5km of the climb, at 26km you are entering the Mt Teide National Park.
If there is cloud cover at 1800 to 2000m, it can be quite cold 5 to 10 C but surprisingly once you ride through these clouds to the summit it often gets warmer. At 1800m the clouds are caused by moist trade winds which meet drier air. You cycle through these clouds so as to look down on them, it’s spectacular.
The temperature drops as you climb, usually 0,65 C for every 100 metres (6.5 C for every 1000 m of elevation ) although this varies depending on local conditions. Dry air generally decreases by 2 to 3 C every 300 metres you go up. Likewise, Oxygen levels decrease as the air gets thinner by 0.6% for every 100 metres. So on the one hand you go faster as Air Density decreases 0.8% every 100m but oxygen levels drop so as to reduce your aerobic capacity.
Cycling Mount Teide Video 🚴♂️
Near the Summit – it gets warmer! 🚴♀️⬆️
The tree line ends with about 11km to go so wind now can kick in.
As you climb above the clouds towards the top it can often get warmer !!
This is because the UV rays are very strong and there is less atmosphere to absorb them so pack some sunscreen once you have climbed above the clouds. Wind can be quite strong up here as you will be in a lunar landscape with little vegetation and trees to break the wind
At 2000 m is the famous Hotel Parador which a lot of top cycling teams like Sky use. Sleep high, train low training is great for endurance athletes.
Mount Teide Climbing Stats 📈

- Climbing Elevation of 6994 feet – 2106 metres
- Distance 20.6miles (0.1miles 10% gradient) 33km
- 5th toughest climb ranked in Spain
- Start 377 feet – Peak 7287 feet -115m to 2106m
- Average Gradient 6.4%
5 Useful Links 🔗
- Marmot Tours – cycling holidays in Tenerife
- Love Velo – Road Riding in Tenerife
- Cycle Fiesta – Self guided cycling holidays
- Cycle routes up Mount Teide
- Tenerife Tourist Board – Cycling