February is the final month of winter in Newquay, Cornwall and the temperatures are identical to those of January, averaging 8°C (47°F) as the high and 4°C (38°F) as the low.
There is a lot less rain, however, averaging 89 mm, which is 33 mm less than January, with 17 rainy days.
There is also slightly more sunshine with 5 hours rather than January's 4, with 83 hours of sun on average over the month, an increase of 23.4 hours over January.
The extra sun and less rain doesn't automatically transfer to making use of the beach for water sports, though, as the sea temperature in February is cold at 10°C (50°F), so it may be best to confine swimming-related activities to a swimming pool instead.
February is a relatively quiet month in Newquay as far as events are concerned, but with the mild temperatures and decrease in rainfall, it serves as a perfect month to explore the town on foot and take in the views and hidden gems on offer, while stopping off at local eateries along the way.
For something a bit more social, though, there are the spill over events from January: Eden's Winter Festival and the SECTA Catering and Hospitality Trade Show.
When looking for accommodation in Newquay, The Headland Hotel is a popular option. The hotel sits on a cliff and is minutes away from the beach, so offers a convenient location and great views. Room rates are affordable and the hotel occasionally offers deals on stays too, meaning you won't break your budget with a stay here.