December is one of the coldest months of the year in New Orleans though it does remain fairly mild.
The average temperature still reaches 18°C (that's about 64°F) during the day but at night can dip as low as 9°C (about 48°F).
In November you can expect rain on 10 days, with the average monthly rainfall being around 117mm, and there are only around 5 hours of average daily sunshine.
Check the local weather report in order to see what the weather is doing around the time of your visit.
Christmas New Orleans Style takes place all month with a wide range of events.
There are a number of tours, including those of homes specially decorated in a 19th century style.
There are cruises, cooking demonstrations, markets and gospel choirs performing in St. Louis Cathedral.
The Southern Comfort Cocktail Tour takes you through Louisiana's lively cocktail past.
And the Christmas Concert in St. Louis Cathedral is simply not to be missed. Performed by the St. Louis Cathedral Concert Choir and Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, this event is the pinnacle of Christmas celebrations in New Orleans.