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Narbonne Weather in February, France

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    6 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    15.8 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    51.2 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg 45º
2 Avg 43º
3 Avg 41º
4 Avg 45º
5 Avg 45º
6 Avg 45º
7 Avg 45º
8 Avg 43º
9 Avg 45º
10 Avg 41º
11 Avg 43º
12 Avg 43º
13 Avg 43º
14 Avg 43º
15 Avg 45º
16 Avg 46º
17 Avg 45º
18 Avg 46º
19 Avg 48º
20 Avg 46º
21 Avg 46º
22 Avg 48º
23 Avg 46º
24 Avg 48º
25 Avg 46º
26 Avg 48º
27 Avg 48º
28 Avg 48º
Avg Historical Daily Average
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The weather warms up slightly in February in Narbonne, France. During this time the resort experiences similar conditions to Disneyland, with temperatures rising up to 11°C at the warmest point of the day, dropping down to around 7°C after sunset. The evenings can get very chilly, so make sure you bring plenty of warm clothing with you.

Winter is a very quiet time in Narbonne and because there are so few visitors during these months, many of the attractions are closed or are practically deserted. Fortunately, there are some sites which remain open to the public throughout the year.

One of the most popular attractions in Narbonne is the Cathedrale St-Just. Although it remains unfinished, this building is very impressive its sheer height is astonishing. Not only a 'must' for history and art fans, this cathedral is a great construction for anyone to visit.

If you'd like to see more beautiful architecture, make sure you visit the 14th century cloister which connects the Archbishop apartments and the Cathedrale de St Just et St Pasteur. This is a place of true beauty were you can see weathered gargoyles, a quaint garden and gothic arches.

To the west of Narbonne lies the Corbieres region, which is a great place to explore. Corbieres is a very mountainous area which is best reached by car and features a series of attractions, including vineyards, breathtaking views, Cathar castles and valleys.

Families and couples looking for somewhere to stay during their holiday in Narbonne, France should take a look at the Hotel de France. Here you'll find a great selection of accommodation, complete with air-con, LCD satellite TV, WiFi access and complimentary daily breakfast.

Click here for a seven-day weather forecast for Narbonne, France.