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Munich Weather in February, Germany

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Day Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunrise and sunset

    Day Temperature

  • What is Average Night Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunset and sunrise

    Night Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    3 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    12 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    30 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg -1º 30º
2 Avg 32º
3 Avg 34º
4 Avg 32º
5 Avg 34º
6 Avg 36º
7 Avg 34º
8 Avg 32º
9 Avg 32º
10 Avg -1º 30º
11 Avg 32º
12 Avg -1º 30º
13 Avg -1º 30º
14 Avg -1º 30º
15 Avg -1º 30º
16 Avg 32º
17 Avg 32º
18 Avg 32º
19 Avg 32º
20 Avg 34º
21 Avg 34º
22 Avg 32º
23 Avg 32º
24 Avg 32º
25 Avg 32º
26 Avg 34º
27 Avg 34º
28 Avg 36º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the Weather like in Munich in February


The 2nd month of the low season in Munich features temperatures similar to January. Daily temperatures in the Bavarian capital, in South Germany, usually range between - 5C (23F) and 5C (41F) this time of year. Average temperatures mostly remain between -3C (26.6F) and 4C (39.2F). Daily lows are, in general, around -4C (24.8F), but they tend to vary between -12C (10.4F) and 3C (37.4F), rarely more. As for daily highs, they are usually between 3C (37.4F) and 5C (41F), but tend to fluctuate between -4C (24.8F) and 12C (53.6F), even more at times. When compared with average temperatures in Vienna, the capital of neighboring Austria, the capital of Bavaria is somewhat cooler in February.

The interval featuring higher daily temperatures (0C/32F - 7C/44.6F) becomes longer as time passes. At the beginning of the month, it lasts from around 11:30 am until 8 pm. By the end of February, the duration of this interval is likely to be between 10 am and midnight, even longer.

Sunshine Hours

The number of sunshine hours in the city of Munich is 3 in February, which is a bit more than in January. Yet, the possibility of cloud cover remains slightly below 60% throughout the period. The highest chance of the overcast or mostly cloudy sky is on February 1 60%. On February 28, the likelihood of cloudy conditions is 57%.


Munich, Germany, receives almost equal amount of rainfall/snowfall in February when compared to January. In general, the received precipitation during this period is around 45 mm/1.77 in. In the course of the month, the possibility of a wet day drops from 27% (on February 1) to 24% (on February 28). In this regard, the last day of the month has the lowest chance of precipitation throughout the year.

February is the least rainy month in the Bavarian capital. The probability of a day with the rain alone is constant at 17%. The likelihood of mixed rainfall and snowfall decreases in the course of the month from 5% to 3%. The possibility of snowfall features same percentages. 

Mid-February, in general, is less likely to receive abundant precipitation than the beginning of the month or its end. If rainfall or snowfall takes place on February 15, the likely accumulation of precipitation is 30 mm/1.18 in. The average accumulation on February 1 is 32 mm/1.26 in, while the same parameter on February 28 is 33 mm/1.3 in.

February has between 9 and 12 rainy days. The probability of rainfall or snowfall taking place is the highest during the night, with its peak in the early morning (5 am). The interval of the day when the precipitation is least likely is between noon and 2 pm.

Wind Speed

The average wind speed in Munich, the capital city of Bavaria, in February is 3.4 m/s. Variations throughout the month are subtle, ranging from 3.5 m/s on February 2 to 3.3 m/s on February 28. The average speed of the wind of 3.5 m/s makes the second day of this month the windiest in the entire year. In general, the windiest time of the day is around 1 pm (up to 3.9 m/s) while it is windy the least between 4 pm and 5:30 pm (dropping to 3 m/s).


In regard to humidity, February is a dry month. The relative humidity this time of year is usually around 83%, and the conditions for a muggy, oppressive or miserable day are non-existent.

Sunrise and Sunset

The duration of daylight increases from the beginning of the month toward its end. February 1 has the shortest daylight in February (9:32 hours), with the sun rising at 7:41 am and setting at 5:13 pm. On February 28, which is the day with the longest daylight (10:59 hours), sunrise takes place at 6:57 am while sunset occurs at 5:56 pm.

Extraordinary Weather Occurances

Although daily high temperatures are above the point of freezing, cold currents coming from Russia tend to reverse that. If such air masses reach Munich, they could decrease daily lows up to -20C (-4F), even more. Also, snowfall, which usually occurs in the form of light snow and sleet, tends to become abundant.

Föhn winds, on the other hand, are more pleasant. They come from the direction of the Alps and could increase daily temperatures to a large extent. If these occur, even morning temperatures remain above the point of freezing. These winds also lower relative humidity levels. Note, however, that Föhn winds are less likely to happen this time of year than eastern winds.

Western winds also bring higher temperatures, but not as high as those brought by Föhn.

Munich Hotels in February

February is a low season in the city of Munich, with hotel prices at their minimum. This month is an ideal time for combining low rates and the least rainy period of the year.

Motel One Munich-City-Süd

Motel One Munich-City-Süd is a 2-star property, located between 2.5-km/1.55-mi and 4-km/2.5-mi away from most city's points of interest. For example, the Deutsches Museum is 2.5 kilometers/1.55 miles away, while the distance to Oktoberfest is 3.2 kilometers/1.99 miles. The nearest U-Bahn station is 5 minutes by walking away from the hotel. Every room has a flat-screen TV, and complimentary Wi-Fi is disposable throughout the hotel. The property features a parking lot that is available for a surcharge.

Hotel Deutsche Eiche

Hotel Deutsche Eiche is a cozy 3-star establishment, located in the city core. Marienplatz, with the Town Hall, and Peterskirche (St. Peter's Church) are less than half a kilometer away, while the Deutsches Museum is barely farther. The nearest tram stop is just around the corner while Munich Airport is 29 km/18 mi away. Rooms of Deutsche Eiche feature air-conditioners, TVs with flat screens and free toiletries. The hotel disposes of free wireless internet, while parking is available for an additional price. There is a restaurant on-site, too.

Cortiina Hotel

Cortiina Hotel is another conveniently located provider in regard to most points of interest in Munich, the capital city of Bavaria. With the location in the downtown, most attractions of the city are less than 3 kilometers/1.86 miles away. Accommodation units feature free internet access, air-conditioners, flat-screen TVs and DVD players. Complimentary hotel facilities are a fitness center, terrace and a restaurant. Parking is available on-site for a surcharge, and upfront reservation is necessary. Guests of Cortiina Hotel benefit of a free use of bikes.

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost is a 5-star hotel, a short distance away from most attractions. Every room has a king-size bed, a coffee maker, a TV with flat screen and free Wi-Fi. Some complimentary facilities are a sauna, fitness studio, swimming pool and a business center. Brasserie with French specialties and a restaurant are also present. Parking is available for a surcharge. Sofitel Munich Bayerpost is near the S-Bahn station, which provides link between the property and the airport. 

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Bars and Restaurants

Regardless of your dietary habits and needs, the capital of Bavaria has a solution for you. The city has a wide range of fine restaurants and bars that cater to gourmands, vegans and vegetarians. Besides eateries serving local specialties, international restaurants are also ubiquitous.

Muenchner Suppenkueche

Muenchner Suppenkueche is a popular eatery that serves excellent soups. Maybe speaking English isn't among the staff's strengths, but former patrons state that they had a good meal for a good price here. The "Soup Kitchen" has various soups on offer, including goulash, tomato and chicken soups. The food stall in Am Viktualienmarkt is most centrally located while the one on Franziska-Bilek-Weg 5 is near the site of the Oktoberfest.

Naxos Taverna

Naxos Taverna is a mid-range eatery specialized in Greek and Mediterranean food. The menu of the restaurant comprises seafood, fish, meat dishes and delicacies. Gluten-free and vegetarian options are available for people in need of a special diet. Besides seafood, gyro, a type of Greek fast food, is a specialty of the house. Naxos Taverna has an outdoor terrace. The tavern is open daily, except on Monday, between 11:30 am and 3 pm, and from 5:30 pm until midnight.

Saffer's Fattoria

Saffer's Fattoria is an Italian mid-range restaurant, serving seafood, meat and pasta specialties. Past patrons spoke highly of the eatery, describing their portions as handsome and decently priced. Besides Italian, the restaurant serves international specialties. Saffer's Fattoria has an extensive wine list comprising white and red wines. Opening hours are from 6 pm to 11 pm, Tuesday to Sunday. 

Brenner Operngrill

Brenner Operngrill is a Michelin-starred restaurant, serving Mediterranean and Italian specialties. Brenner Operngrill consists of a restaurant, bar and a café, which share a pleasant ambiance. The eatery also has an outdoor terrace. Here, you can dine seafood, fish, meat and pasta dishes. Opening hours vary depending on a day of the week.

Things to do in Munich in February


Riding a tram in Munich, Germany, is a great way of getting to know the city. Albeit most points of interest aren't far away from one another, you can shorten traveling times by using the city trams. For sightseeing purposes, trams 17, 18 and 19 should prove convenient the most

Downtown Munich .

Taking an evening walk in downtown Munich reveals an opposite face of the city core than during daylight. And you are going to like both of them. Marienplatz, dominated by the Town Hall (Rathaus), is one of the best places your way can lead you to at evening. And while you are there, pay special attention to the Rathaus's Glockenspiel, a few stories above the ground level.


Maximilianeum, commissioned to be a higher educational institution, is the seat of the Bavarian Parliament. It features a grand architecture, consisting of arches, statues and mosaics. Make sure to see the Maximilianeum both during the day and at night, when the edifice features splendid illumination.


Felderrnhalle is an Italianesque loggia modeled after Florentine Loggia de Lanzi. Commissioned by King Ludwig I, who is famous as a castle builder, it was devoted to a few venerated generals of the Bavarian army. Felderrnhalle and Odeonsplatz were a focal point of a skirmish between Hitler's sympathizers and the state police that took place in 1923.