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Sunrise 07:02
Sunset 19:25
Sunrise 07:02
Sunset 19:25
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Updated at 12:01 GMT
Sunrise 07:02
Sunset 19:25
Temp feels like:
17ºC (63 ºF)
Length of day:
12h 23m
30" (1020 hpa)
6 miles (10 km)
Wind speed:
12 km/h
Mojacar is located in Spain, a country that is well-known for a warm European climate and which often plays host to plenty of holidaymakers during the summer months. It is located on the southern coast, which makes it even more popular with tourists who are in search of the sun.
As a result, the seasons are reasonably clear, with strong variations in temperature. The winter runs from December to February, the spring from March to May, the summer from June to September, and finally the autumn from October to November. On a yearly average basis, the temperatures range from highs of 28°C to lows of 8°C, creating a hot summer and a fairly mild winter. Rainfall is lowest during the summer months, and highest in the autumn. To find out how we calculate these averages please go to this page.
Sea Temperature
The sea temperature is reasonably consistent year-round and may be higher than the outdoor air temperature, but the weather here is quite predictable and does not suffer any extremes in normal circumstances.
The spring season starts in March, when average daily temperatures stand at 14°C. Through to May there is a steady increase, first to 16°C and then to 19°C. As the temperatures get warmer, Spain becomes more and more of a favourite destination for tourists. Throughout this season, you can expect average lows which go as far as 11°C, but average highs going up as far as 22°C. This is by no means considered to be peak warm weather, but it is an improvement over the winter.
Rainfall can be quite significant over the spring in comparison to other months, allowing for new growth. An average of 20mm can fall in March, with 26mm in April then followed by May's low 12mm. This falls over between 8 and 10 days, meaning that a large percentage of the month can remain dry, especially in comparison to northern countries!
Sunshine Hours
There is also a big change in the amount of sunshine you can expect per day. This will start from 9 hours, going up to 11 and then 12 in May. More hours of sunshine means more time for the heat to build up, as well as more time to explore.
Sea Temperature
Finally, the sea temperature sits around an average of 15°C to 18°C across the spring, with May once again being the warmest month although you might not want to attempt swimming just yet!
Summer is the time when you will be most anxious to check the weather forecast, hoping to see high temperatures across the board. In fact, the daily temperatures are great at this time of year, with June's 22°C soon being surpassed by 25°C in July and August. By September, summer has reached and passed its peak, with temperatures then falling to around 23°C which is still pleasant.
The average highs and lows are impressive, ranging from 28°C down to 18°C. This is a much more comfortable range than what you would expect to see in any other month: even on cold days, you may be able to walk around in just a t-shirt. Thanks to this, these months are also the peak time for tourism, meaning that big attractions may be crowded.
Sunshine Hours
With 13 hours of sunshine a day, you will be able to make the most of your time to explore but be aware that this drops off to 10 hours in September. Those taking a holiday that crosses the last part of August into September may see quite a lot of variation in the sunrise and sunset times.
Rainfall is very minimal at this time of year. Just 8mm falls in June and 11mm in September, but in the month's in-between there is just 1mm expected. This could give you the chance for a couple of dry weeks if luck is on your side! Average sea temperatures during this time also remain high, starting at 21°C and climbing to 25°C in August before dropping to 24°C in September so now is the time to enjoy all the water-sports and sunbathing on offer.
October and November are the lonely autumn months. This is when temperatures really start to shift towards the winter, with a daily average of 19°C in October slipping to 15°C in November. Highs of 22°C give way to lows of 11°C. Looking at the numbers, it's very easy to consider autumn to be a reverse of the spring. The only difference is that it happens in just two months instead of three.
Rainfall also increases a lot, and these are by far the wettest months though 29mm and 31mm over 8 to 10 days is still a lot less than you would see in other parts of the world.
Sunshine Hours
The average daily hours of sunshine falls from 9 to 8 as the darker winter days come in, but this season still offers the chance for a last-minute holiday. Be aware though, the average sea temperature also continues to fall and what was 21°C in October becomes 19°C in November, paving the way for lower numbers throughout the colder months.
Sea Temperature
The sea temperature moves from 17°C in December all the way down to its lowest point at 15°C in February, a pattern that is also matched by the daily averages. 13°C in December falls to 11°C in January and 12°C in February. The good news here is that there is not too much variation. The highs and lows tell the same kind of story, between 16°C at peak and 8°C at the lowest point. You will need a jacket but it is very unlikely to reach freezing in these parts of the world.
The most winter rain comes in January with 27mm coming down, compared to 18mm in February and 20mm in December.
Sunshine Hours
Sunshine is at its lowest in December with 7 hours per day, rising to 8 hours in both of the other winter months. The winter is the darkest and coldest period, though it still has plenty to offer compared to more Northern European countries where the winters can be colder yet.
There are no real weather hazards to speak of in Mojacar. Just make sure to keep the suntan lotion at hand in order to avoid burns when spending the whole day outside during summer! You can also keep an eye on weather warnings at the beach, as rough winds may make the sea too choppy for swimming in certain places. This is more likely during the autumn and winter months, when the weather is a bit more temperamental. On the whole, a vacation to Mojacar is likely to be an enjoyable experience.