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Melbourne Live Weather, Victoria, Australia



18° 64°

Your Time: Time in Melbourne: 22:24

10:00 PM, Tue 25th Mar

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    11h 56m
  • Pressure
    30" (1022 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    10 km/h

Sunrise 07:28

Sunset 19:24
  • Temp feels like:

    18ºC (65 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    11h 56m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1022 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    10 km/h

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What's the weather like in Melbourne  

Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is located along the extreme southern coast of Australia. Because the country is located in the Southern Hemisphere,  the seasons are reversed from those in the Northern Hemisphere.

As a result, the summer months consist of December, January and February with the winter coming in June, July and August.

Winter Weather in Melbourne

Winter inMelbourne consists of June, July and August and can be chilly and damp. Because the city is located on the southern coast of the country, it is nearest to Antarctica and more likely to experience colder conditions than other, more northern cities like Darwin and Alice Springs.

This is also the least popular time to visit the city. As a result, there are plenty of good deals to be had for flights and accommodation.

Average Winter Temperatures In Melbourne

The average daily temperature for the three winter months is between 10°C and 11°C. Throughout the winter, average afternoon highs range between 14°C in June and July and 15°C in August with lows between 6°C and 7°C

Winter Sunshine Hours in Melbourne

Because of the city's latitude, the region doesn't experience much sun during this time of the year. In fact, the area only receives an average of five hours of sunshine each day throughout the winter season.

How Much Rain and Snow Falls in Melbourne In Winter?

Visitors will want to take a raincoat with them as the area receives between 43mm of precipitation in June to 57mm in August. While it is chilly, there is little chance of snow as temperatures remain well above the freezing mark.

How Warm Is The Sea In Melbourne In WInter?

This is not the best time of the year to visit the local beaches as water temperatures range from 14°C in June and July to 13°C in August. 

Spring Weather in Melbourne

Spring consists of SeptemberOctober and November and is easily one of the best times to visit the city. Spring brings warmer temperatures as well as smaller crowds before the summer crush begins to set in. Good deals can still be found before the high summer season.

Does It Rain A Lot In Melbourne In Spring?

Be sure to bring some rain gear during this season. It's not quite a washout, but this time of the year does experience some of the wettest days of the year.  October sees the city receiving an average of 65mm of precipitation over a 14-day period. 

Sunshine Hours In Spring In Melbourne

However, the region does receive more and more sun as summer creeps closer. The average amount of daily sunshine climbs from just seven hours in September to nine hours in November.

Average Temperatures In Spring In Melbourne

Average temperatures also climb significantly throughout the period. The average afternoon high rises from 17°C in September to 22°C by November.

However, the weather can change quickly in Melbourne and it is important to consult an extended forecast before leaving home to make sure you are correctly packed. Average overnight lows range from 9°C early in the season to 12°C by the end

Sea Temperature in Spring In Melbourne

While water temperatures are not much warmer than what they were just a few months ago, the area beaches are still nice on pleasant days. The average water temperature is between 13°C and 14°C for the season.

Summer Weather in Melbourne

Summer is the busiest time in Melbourne as the weather is warm and fairly consistent from day to day. However, temperatures can spike from time to time.

Average Summer Temperatures In Melbourne

The average high temperature for the three-month period consisting of DecemberJanuary, and February is between 24°C in December to 26°C in February.

Average overnight lows are between 14°C in the early part of the season to 16°C in the latter part. However, it is not uncommon to see stretches where temperatures get much warmer than this.

How Much Does It Rain In Melbourne In Summer?

There tends to be more rain in the early part of the season with 58mm falling in December, 47mm expected in January and 46mm in February. Average days with rain go from 10 in December to seven by February.

How Much Sun Does Melbourne Get In Summer?

There is also plenty of sun this time of the year thanks to the fact that the city is located so close to the Southern Pole. The region will experience between nine and 11 hours of sunshine each day.

Summer Sea Temperatures In Melbourne

Summer is also the time to hit one of the many local beaches. Water temperatures steadily climb throughout the season from 16°C in December to 18°C in February. 

Autumn Weather in Melbourne

Autumn consists of MarchApril and May and can be a beautiful time of year to visit. Do keep in mind, however, that temperatures will get cold quickly. Additionally, many tourists go home, so it's an excellent time to get a good deal on a hotel or flight.

May is the wettest month of the year with an average of 68mm of precipitation expected over the course of 15 days. Only 53mm of rain is expected in April with 44mm in March.

Sea Temperature in Autumn

If you also want to plan some beach excursions, do so at the beginning of the season when sea temperatures are 18°C as compared to just 16°C  in May.

Average Autumn Temperatures in Melbourne

Temperatures on land are also beginning their downward slide from an average high temperature of 24°C in March to  17°C  in May. Light jackets will also be needed at night as overnight lows fall from an average of 14°C to 10°C by the end of the season.