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Malham Live Weather, United Kingdom



0° 32°

Your Time: Time in Malham: 10:09

10:00 AM, Sat 23rd Nov

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    08h 05m
  • Pressure
    29" (998 hpa)
  • Visibility
    0 km (0miles)
  • Wind speed
    29 km/h

Sunrise 07:52

Sunset 15:57
  • Temp feels like:

    -7ºC (20 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    08h 05m

  • Pressure:

    29" (998 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    0 miles (0 km)

  • Wind speed:

    29 km/h

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What is the weather like in Malham in Yorkshire?

Effect of Malham Tarn

 Malham Tarn is  the highest lake in England, its cool and tranquil waters hold a mesmerizing allure that captivates all who lay eyes upon it. 

The unique positioning of Malham Tarn, situated at a higher elevation than its surroundings, allows it to act as a natural cooling system for the area. The cool waters of the tarn absorb heat during the day and release it at night, creating a stabilizing effect on temperature fluctuations. This phenomenon not only moderates the local climate but also contributes to the formation of distinct weather patterns in the vicinity.

Furthermore, the presence of Malham Tarn can significantly impact precipitation levels in the region. The cool temperatures of the lake can lead to the condensation of moisture in the air, resulting in increased cloud cover and the potential for enhanced rainfall. 

Effect on weather of dry stone walls in Malham 

The dry stone walls in Malham also play a role in the local weather. These walls can absorb heat during the day and release it at night, affecting the temperature in the immediate area.


The Malham Cove effect is a fascinating phenomenon that has a significant impact on the local weather patterns. This natural limestone formation, located in the Yorkshire Dales National Park in England, plays a crucial role in shaping the microclimate of the surrounding area.

Due to its unique geological structure, Malham Cove acts as a natural barrier that affects the movement of air masses. When warm, moist air from the Atlantic Ocean encounters the high cliffs of the cove, it is forced to rise rapidly, leading to the formation of clouds and potentially precipitation. This process can result in localized rainfall and cooler temperatures in the immediate vicinity of the cove.

Additionally, the sheer size and height of Malham Cove create a wind tunnel effect, amplifying the speed and direction of the prevailing winds. This can have a significant influence on the weather conditions in the region, with wind patterns being altered and intensified as they pass over the cove.

Nearby Yorkshire Dales locations include 








Limestone formations 

Limestone formations in Malham not only add to the natural beauty of the area but also play a crucial role in shaping the local weather patterns. The porous nature of limestone allows it to absorb and retain water, influencing the hydrology of the region. This, in turn, affects the temperature and humidity levels in the area, creating microclimates that can differ from the surrounding areas.

Additionally, the presence of limestone can also impact the local flora and fauna, as certain species of plants and animals have adapted to thrive in the unique conditions created by the limestone formations. The alkaline nature of limestone can also affect the acidity of the soil, which further shapes the biodiversity of the region.

The large limestone cliffs and pavements in the area can create microclimates by absorbing and releasing heat at different rates compared to the surrounding areas. This can lead to temperature variations and influence wind patterns, ultimately affecting the weather conditions in Malham.

Malham Cove 

The Malham Cove effect is a fascinating phenomenon that has a significant impact on the local weather patterns. This natural limestone formation, located in the Yorkshire Dales National Park in England, plays a crucial role in shaping the microclimate of the surrounding area.

Due to its unique geological structure, Malham Cove acts as a natural barrier that affects the movement of air masses. When warm, moist air from the Atlantic Ocean encounters the high cliffs of the cove, it is forced to rise rapidly, leading to the formation of clouds and potentially precipitation. This process can result in localized rainfall and cooler temperatures in the immediate vicinity of the cove.

Additionally, the sheer size and height of Malham Cove create a wind tunnel effect, amplifying the speed and direction of the prevailing winds. This can have a significant influence on the weather conditions in the region, with wind patterns being altered and intensified as they pass over the cove.

Nearby Yorkshire Dales locations include