Review by: Noel
Great weather Pleasant 32 degrees with a cool breeze off the sea. Evenings are wonderful.
Young visitor population makes it an interesting place unlike Dubrovnik which has old people pouring off cruise ships.
Plenty of nik naks to spend money on.
The people are very friendly and a partying type atmosphere is prevalent.
We stayed in Hotel Osejava which gets you away from the louder areas. Swimming is a little more private too.Recommend Makarska to others?
One week in Makarska
Review by: Erich W
Mid July 2009 was like an oven. 28C to around 35C. The evenings are HOT. The water temperature is around 20 to 23C which is warm.
Different!! The people are friendly, although they could be a little more proactive. It is a developing country and the tourist beaches have loads of little stalls selling :whatnot". Still, great fun.
Croatia is not the cheapest of places but the laid back style makes up for it.
In fact we're off to there again mid August 2009 because we liked it that much.
DO NOT book a hotel. Just get there and find a private home that rents out rooms or studios. Ther are loads of them and cost around 25/30euros for a double room. We did (and I am a fussy one!) and ended up enjoying the personal hospitality that a hotel lacks when discovering new places. It was no 5 star but definately not a "disastar". Night life is not too great but the little bars in the harbour are of Makarska will provide some form of entertainment. It is not what Makarska is about. Try a drive to the Ranch in the hills above Makarska.Recommend Makarska to others?
Makarska : Next 24-Hour Weather
Today - 12th March 2025
Sunrise 06:12

Sunset 17:58

Tomorrow - 13th March 2025
Sunrise 06:12

Sunset 17:58