Lourdes in April is very rainy and still relatively cold. April sees a whopping 20 days of rain on average, with a total average precipitation rate of 103 mm. As a result, you are unlikely to have many dry days on your April visit to Lourdes.
In addition, you are unlikely to have many warm days during April. The average low temperature during this early spring month is 45 degrees Fahrenheit with an average high temperature of 63 degrees.
Even though the weather is not ideal, by the time April rolls around the days start getting longer with 8 hours of daily sun to enjoy.
Lourdes is a beautiful town located near the Prime Meridian. The town is one of the most popular travel locations in France with the second highest number of tourists each year. This is due in large part to the legend of Bernadette, a young woman who reportedly saw visions of the Virgin Mary. This legend has made Lourdes a popular place for Roman Catholic pilgrimages.
Every year in Lourdes in April, typically near the end of the month, is the Classical Music Festival. This famous festival features classical orchestra music and is held in various churches across the beautiful town. The Basilique du Rosaire and Saint-Savin Abbey are among the churches housing this famous festival.
Concerts are relatively inexpensive costing approximately 10-40 euros each, so you can check out more than one concert during your visit. Each year the Festival has a different theme so you could return to Lourdes every year in April and have a completely different experience.