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London Weather in July, United Kingdom

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Day Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunrise and sunset

    Day Temperature

  • What is Average Night Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunset and sunrise

    Night Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    6 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    14 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    41 mm

July, 2025

1 Avg 18º 64º
2 Avg 18º 64º
3 Avg 17º 63º
4 Avg 18º 64º
5 Avg 18º 64º
6 Avg 19º 66º
7 Avg 20º 68º
8 Avg 19º 66º
9 Avg 19º 66º
10 Avg 19º 66º
11 Avg 17º 63º
12 Avg 16º 61º
13 Avg 18º 64º
14 Avg 18º 64º
15 Avg 18º 64º
16 Avg 20º 68º
17 Avg 20º 68º
18 Avg 20º 68º
19 Avg 20º 68º
20 Avg 19º 66º
21 Avg 18º 64º
22 Avg 19º 66º
23 Avg 19º 66º
24 Avg 19º 66º
25 Avg 20º 68º
26 Avg 19º 66º
27 Avg 20º 68º
28 Avg 17º 63º
29 Avg 16º 61º
30 Avg 17º 63º
31 Avg 17º 63º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's The Weather Like In London in July?

July is one of the hottest months in LondonUK, when the average temperature is 18°C, which hardly changes as the month progresses, very similar to the weather of Bristol.

Is London Hot in July?

Daily high temperatures are constant at 23°C, rarely falling below 19°C or rising above 27°C. Daily low temperatures follow a similar pattern and are constant at 15°C, only falling below 13°C or rising above 18°C one day out of every ten.

Warmest And Coldest Julys In London

In recent times, the highest ever recorded temperature for London in July was 34°C and the lowest ever recorded temperature for the city in this month is 9°C. 

The UK's Highest Recorded Temperature 

A temperature of 38.7C was recorded in the UK on 25 July 2019. The recording at Cambridge Botanic Gardens, this outstrips the previous record high of 38.5C, recorded in 2003.

Does It Rain in London In July?

London experiences a fair amount of rainfall throughout the year and July is no exception. During this month the city receives an average of 41mm of precipitation across 14 days, making it quite likely you'll experience a shower or two during your visit.

The median cloud coverage for London in July is 63% and hardly changes at all throughout the month. And as you'd expect for summer, the city almost never experiences any foggy days during July.

Is London Humid In July?

The humidity levels in London fluctuates from 46% to 85%, very rarely falling below 35% or rising above 95%. 

July Sunshine Hours in London

Just like the previous three months, July enjoys an average of eight hours of sunshine each day. As the month progresses, the number of sunshine hours and daylight hours gradually decreases. 

Is London Windy In July?

Across July, typical wind speeds vary from gentle breezes, rarely rising to moderate or stronger winds.

London Hotels in July

H10 London Waterloo

H10 London Waterloo hotel is a contemporary, and impeccably maintained London hotel with an ideal location, mere minutes away from Waterloo station. Be greeted with a glass of Cava when you arrive, and admire the stunning interior designs of this beautiful hotel. Unwind over a drink at the Waterloo Sky Bar located on the 8th floor, or indulge in a delectable meal at the bespoke restaurant, which focuses on Mediterranean and international dishes. The hotel also offers sauna and hydro massage facilities at their Dispacio Beauty Centre.

Artist Residence

For exclusive accommodation near the centre of town, try the Artist residence in Pimlico. Located near Victoria Station, the Tate Modern, Westminster Abbey and South Kensington's museums are all within easy reach of the hotel. Rest yourself in one of their magnificent suites and make use of the bespoke restaurant and swanky cocktail bar. The dining here is world class and the restaurant is as popular with locals as it is with guests. 


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Bars and Restaurants


Mildreds in Soho is a vibrant and informal vegetarian restaurant, boasting delightful food prepared and cooked fresh on a daily basis. Relish a filling burger such as 'the classic' made from smoked tofu, lentils and piquillo pepper. Other dishes include pies, curry and sublime soups. This restaurant is extremely popular so expect a bustling atmosphere at peak times!

Pied a Terre

Michelin star Pied à Terre in Fitzrovia offers a whole separate menu for vegetarians and vegans. Flawless dishes on the a la carte menu include Wye Valley Asparagus with egg yolk and hazelnut, or opt for the vegetarian seven course tasting menu, currently priced at £94 per person. Each dish is evidently crafted with passion, with great consideration and respect for each ingredient.


Things to do in London in July

Richmond Park

Richmond Park is the largest Royal Park and enclosed space in London, with the main attraction being the deer that live in the park. Also being a National Nature Reserve, the city's largest Site of Special Scientific Interest and a European Special Area of Conservation means this park will be busy during summer, so try and get there early. There's loads to see and do within the park grounds, including Pembroke Lodge, Isabella Plantation, Petersham Gate playground, St Paul's Cathedral tercentenary gates, Kingston Gate playground and loads of local wildlife, such as red and fallow deer. 

Roald Dahl's Matilda

Families looking for a child-friendly musical should consider seeing Roald Dahl's Matilda. This incredibly popular musical is held at the Cambridge Theatre and is ideal for children and adults to enjoy together. The story focuses on the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination, both of which are woven into the story of a girl who dares to change her destiny.

Old Royal Naval College

If you're on a budget holiday, consider stopping by the Old Royal Naval College. Open every day, this attraction is completely free to enter and boasts more than 500 years of history within the Greenwich Visitor Centre, plus plenty more. Some of the site's most popular attractions include the Wren's twin domes, Painted Hall ceiling, Chapel rope and anchor, objects from Greenwich Palace, the Nelson Pediment, Thornhill's self-portrait, the Chapel ceiling, the Old Brewery wellhead, the Franklin Memorial and the Central Model of Greenwich.

Regent's Park Open Air Theatre

The evenings can be quite mild in the city in July, making it a fantastic month to enjoy Regent's Park Open Air Theatre. The open air theatre is located just a ten-minute walk away from the Baker Street Underground Station and also features a picnic area, bar, buffet and restaurant, providing plenty of options when it comes to dining.

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most popular and important attractions in London, making it a must-visit during your holiday in the city. This religious building is most well-known for its dome which has become an iconic feature of the London skyline. Highlights here include visiting the Whispering Gallery, climbing to the top of the dome, experiencing a touch-screen multimedia tour, discovering the ancient crypt and traveling back in time through an immersive film experience. After an exhausting day of sightseeing, take it easy with an afternoon tea at the onsite restaurant. 

Dates for the diary

Wimbledon is known as the world's most prestigious and oldest tennis tournament, with over 15 million people tune in to watch the final rounds in July. Witness the action up close and experience the atmosphere of a live game. As well as matches, visitors can also explore the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum, grab a bite to eat at on site cafes and food court, or reserve a table at the Wingfield Restaurant. Educational tours are also available for adults as well as school children.