In October the temperatures start their downward turn, averaging at 54°(12°), with highs of 59°F (15°C) and lows of just 46°F (8°).
Rainfall averages are 86mm (3.39") and it normally rains over a period of 12 days this month, so umbrellas are a must.
The sun shines over Limoges for an average of 7 hours daily this month.
For those interested in the history and culture of Limoges, the Musée Adrien-Dubouché has a number of exhibits and houses some of Limoges' porcelain, which the area is famous for.
A tour of the Bernadaud Porcelain Factory will also give tourists an insight into how the porcelain is made and comes highly recommended by tourists.
The Old Town has been left as it was after the destruction of WWII and now stands as a trivbute to those that lost their lives in the World Wars. Whether you're a history buff or not, you're bound to find a tour of the area fascinating and extremely moving. The chapel of St-Aurélien is also located here and is home to the relics of Limoges' second bishop.
On the third Friday in October, lovers of gourmet food will enjoy attending the good festival Frairie des Petits Ventres, when the entire population turns out to partake in every kind of delicacy from pig's trotters to sheep's testicles.
The Bienvenue Hotel offers excellent facilities for low prices and so is ideal for anyone travelling on a budget. The hotel has been recommended by many of its past guests.