If you travel to Limoges in June you will enjoy average temperatures of 63°F (17°C) with highs at 70°F (21°C) and lows averaging 54°F (12°C).
Rainfall averages are at 82mm (3.23") over 12 days.
Daily sunshine hours are generally 9 hours each day.
Limoges is best known for its beautiful porcelain. Throughout the city you will find shops displaying the much sought after pieces. As well as this, the Bernadaud Porcelain Factory is open for tours and worth a visit if you want an insight into how the porcelain is made. It's a great trip for getting an understanding of Limoges' culture.
On the second Sunday of every month, as many as 100 antiques dealers display their treasures at Limoges' Place de la Cathédrale. There is no charge to attend.
Limoges was the birthplace of Auguste Renoir. Several of his masterpieces are on display at the Musée Municipal de l'Evêché-de-Limoges, which was formerly the Archbishops' palace. This is an ornate 18th century building which also houses a collection of Limoges pieces dating from the 12th century.
Situated on a plateau overlooking the River Vienne is the Gothic Cathedral. It is well worth a visit, surrounded by the Jardin de L'Eveche, a botanical garden filled with medicinal herbs and flowers. Venturing west, you can walk through the narrow streets of the old quarter.
The Bienvenue Hotel is a new hotel and located just 6 minutes north of the city. The hotel is set in a landscaped garden and has many modern amenities. Rooms are affordable and will suit any budget.