Limoges has an average temperature of 39°F (4°C) in December, with highs of 43°F (6°C) and lows at 34°F (1°C). It rains on average of 112mm (4.41") generally over a period of 16 days and the average daily sunshine hours are 4 hours per day.
Limoges is known for its porcelain and at the Bernadaud Porcelain Factory visitors can view some of the best examples as well as get an insight into how it is made.
For some culture on your holiday, the Museum of Fine Arts is well worth a visit. It is housed in the 17th century Episcopal palace, the Musée des Beaux-Arts, and with the renovation its exhibition capacity was greatly increased. The permanent collections link to the pavilions with an underground gallery.
A visit to Limoges should include a visit to the Aquarium, where more than 300 species from all over the world live in their natural habitat. It is one of the largest aquariums in France. The aquarium was built in a reservoir of water that was dug in the 19th century to shield against a cholera epidemic.
For a comfortable, but inexpensive stay in Limoges, the Hotel Familia is highly recommended. It is centrally located ideal for visiting the old city and offers excellent service.