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Las Palmas Live Weather, Peru

Las Palmas


22° 72°

Your Time: Time in Las Palmas: 18:18

6:00 PM, Mon 31st Mar

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    11h 59m
  • Pressure
    29" (1011 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    9 km/h

Sunrise 06:12

Sunset 18:11
  • Temp feels like:

    22ºC (71 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    11h 59m

  • Pressure:

    29" (1011 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    9 km/h

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Weather Hazards

While the Canary Islands experience warm and sunny for much of the year for the most part, they are subject to extreme weather conditions and hazards, which it is important to be aware of before you travel to one of the islands.

Because of the islands position off of the coast of Africa, they are subject to certain weather conditions as a result, the main one being dust storms caused by hot winds blowing across the Sahara.

These storms can reduce visibility to anything between 1000 metres or less and 200 metres or less and can irritate the eyes and breathing. They are particularly problematic to those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems, so if you suffer from such a condition, make sure you carry your medication on you at all times. These storms generally hit the area between February and March and, though not severe, can cover large areas and go on for days. They are generally considered to be nothing more than inconveniences by the locals.

As well as this, hot, dusty air plumes can also infiltrate the air in the late summer months, also caused by wind blowing across the Sahara. This will result in a sudden spike in temperature. Though this doesnât last for long, to make sure youâre comfortable, you should find accommodation that has air conditioning.

Air pollution can also be a problem at times of the year when there is very little wind, namely the winter. This can once again cause problems to those with respiratory problems.