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Sunrise 05:42
Sunset 17:57
Sunrise 05:42
Sunset 17:57
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Updated at 02:00 GMT
Sunrise 05:42
Sunset 17:57
Temp feels like:
5ºC (41 ºF)
Length of day:
12h 15m
30" (1018 hpa)
6 miles (10 km)
Wind speed:
8 km/h
The climate in Lake Titicaca is Alpine. The higher altitude can cause altitude sickness for travellers. As higher elevations also cause cooler temperatures, Lake Titicaca and Puno tend to be cool to cold for most of the year. This city is the coldest main city in Peru with an average annual temperature of 7C and an average annual rainfall of 610mm. The weather tends to be warmer during the days, before getting quite cold during the evening.
Lake Titicaca has warmer temperatures during the day and dropping temperatures at night in June. The average temperature is 14°C, reaching a high of 21°C during the daytime and dipping down to 7°C at night. The average humidity is 28% in this month. This picturesque location receives 10 hours of sunshine per day during the first month of summer and has no foggy weather conditions. There is little rain in this area, receiving only 3.1mm of rainfall on one day. The average wind speed is 13km/h.
July is the driest month in the Lake Titicaca area with a high UV index. Other than the drier climate, however, the weather doesnât change much from the previous month. The average temperature is 14°C, with a high temperature of 21°C and a low of 6°C. The average humidity stays the same at 28%, as do the hours of sunshine, keeping steady at 10 hours per day. There are also no foggy weather conditions during this month. The amount of precipitation drops slightly to 2.4mm over a period of 2 days, but the wind speed stays the same at 13km/h.
In the last month of the season, August, the climate continues to be rather dry. The average temperature rises slightly to 15°C, with a high daytime temperature of 22°C and a low of 7°C at night. The average humidity for this month stays consistent at 28%, with 10 hours of sunshine per day and without any days of fog. Despite the fact that August is a dry month in Lake Titicaca, the amount of precipitation raises to an average of 6mm over three days. The wind speed drops slightly to 12km/h.
Throughout September, the average temperature is 16°C, with highs of 23°C and lows of 8°C at night. The average humidity rises slightly to 29%. The amount of sunshine per day stays at 10 hours with no fog, but the amount of rain increases significantly to 22mm over the six days in the month. The wind speed stays the same at 12km/h.
In the fall, particularly October, Lake Titicaca has warm and clear days with very cold nights and increased rainfall. The average temperature, along with the daily highs and lows stay the same as the previous month at an average of 16°C. The average humidity continues to rise to 32%. There are still a forecasted 10 hours of sunshine per day without fog and an increase of 41mm of precipitation over seven days. The wind speed decreases to 11km/h.
November is the last month of this season. The average daily temperature stays at 16°C throughout the season, with nightly temperatures rising to 9°C. The average daily humidity for this month is 38%. The amount of sunlight per day stays at 10 hours, again with no foggy conditions, while the wind speed drops to 10km/h. The amount of rainfall rises to 55mm over a period of seven days.
In December, the average temperature stays at 16°C; however the daily high drops slightly to 22°C with the low staying at 9°C. The average daily humidity rises to 48% this month. The sun shines for an average of 9 hours per day with one foggy day affecting the weather. Rainfall continues to increase to 86mm over thirteen days during this month. The wind speed decreases to 10km/h.
January is the wettest month in Lake Titicaca with 133mm of rainfall occurring over sixteen days. The average temperature stays at 16°C, with the daytime temperature staying at 22°C and the nightly temperature rising slightly to 10°C. The average humidity rises this month to 64%. The hours of sunshine per day begin to drop, lasting for 8 hours, with an average of five foggy days over the month. The wind speed continues to decrease to 9km/h.
While the amount of rainfall drops in February to 109mm, the average number of rainy days soars to 23. The average temperature stays at 16°C, with the temperature reaching highs of 21°C and lows of 10°C. The average daily humidity rises to 67%. The sun shines during this month for 7 hours per day with six days of foggy conditions. The wind speed stays the same at 9km/h.
The beginning of March signals a drop in the amount of rainfall. The number of rainy days decreases to 13, with just 99mm of precipitation. The average temperature is the same as the previous month, with the daytime temperature rising slightly to 22°C. The average daily humidity for this month drops just slightly to 66%. There is a recorded 8 hours of sun with four foggy days in March. The wind speed stays the same at 9km/h.
Once April hits, the average temperature stays consistent with the past several months, with an average of 16°C, reaching highs of 23°C and lows of 9°C. The humidity drops to 51%. The rainfall continues to drop to 43mm over a period of 7 days. Meanwhile, the hours of sunlight increases to 9 hours with one day of fog
The rainfall continues to decrease in May, averaging 10mm over 3 days. The average temperature stays the same at 16°C, reaching highs of 23°C and lows of 8°C. The daily humidity drops even further to 35%. There is an average of 10 hours of sunshine with no foggy days. The wind speed increases to 11km/h.