What's the Weather like in Icmeler in November
Winter is setting in in Icmeler, Turkey, in November. Temperatures drop, there are fewer hours of sun each day and there is more rain. However, the Mediterranean climate ensures that the weather still remains mild, pleasant and much warmer than the UK climate at the same time of the year. November has an average daily temperature of 11°C, which is the same as April and a lot warmer than the yearly minimum average of 6°C in January and February. The daily average high temperature is now 14°C; the daily average low is 5°C. These temperatures fall in the course of the month. Both the daily highs and lows are about four degrees warmer in the beginning of the month than they are at the end.
Sea Temperature
The sea temperature remains relatively warm in November, averaging 20°C.
The length of the days in November gradually decreases. With 10.38 hours of daylight, November 1 is the longest day of the month. November 30 is the shortest day with 9.50 daylight hours. This is a total decrease of 48 minutes in the course of the month and a day-to-day decrease of 1.6 minutes.
About half of a typical November day is sunny, as the month has a daily average of five hours of sunshine. Two months ago, in September, the amount of sunshine was double and it will keep decreasing in December as well. November is the eighth-sunniest month of the year.
The biggest cause for this decrease in sunshine is the rising percentage of cloud cover. November 1 is the clearest day of the month with 52% of cloud cover. November 30 is much cloudier with 71% of cloud cover, which gets pretty close to the annual maximum of 79% on January 1.
The total amount of rainfall increases spectacularly in the course of the month. While October received only 39mm of rainfall, November suddenly becomes a great deal wetter and gets 118mm of precipitation. This makes November the third-wettest month of the year. The number of days with rainfall is now seven. The probability that rainfall will be observed increases throughout the month. November 30 is generally the wettest day of the month with a 40% chance of rain. November 1 is the driest day with a chance of precipitation of 27%. There are three types of rainfall in November: thunderstorms, light rain and moderate rain. Thunderstorms are the most common type by far, occurring on 63% of all days with rainfall. Light rain is observed on 27% of those days, and moderate rain only happens on 10% of the days with precipitation.
November is a good time of year to visit, if you want to do some sightseeing in the area without facing the extreme heat of summer and the flocks of tourists who come to the resort to enjoy the weather and the beaches.
Icmeler Hotels in November
Union Palace Hotel
An excellent hotel in the resort is the Union Palace Hotel. This four-star hotel is located in the hills at the outskirts of the resort and is surrounded by pine forests. A shuttle bus can take you to the beach and the town centres of Icmeler and Marmaris. The hotel's restaurants serve à la carte and buffet-style food; there is a fitness centre, a sauna, swimming pool and Turkish bath; and also a 150-people conference room and mini market.
Nergis Icmeler Resort
Another four-star accommodation is Nergis Icmeler Resort, located in the heart of the resort. You can enjoy great Turkish and Mediterranean food in the hotel's restaurant and refreshing cocktails and other beverages in its bar. Other amenities are a mini market, outdoor swimming pool, jewellery shop, boutique, TV corner, and Turkish baths and saunas.
Bars and Restaurants
Club Mistral Restaurant and Bar
There are several excellent restaurants in the harbour area of neighbouring Marmaris. Situated right next to the town's marina, Club Mistral Restaurant and Bar serves Mediterranean as well as Far Eastern food. The variety of dishes is impressive and the restaurant is renowned for its fresh fish and Thai-style curries. Set between pine trees and in between a pool and the Aegean Sea, the restaurant has stunning views. You can go to Club Mistral Restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Mad Atilla Mustis
Another great restaurant is Mad Atilla Mustis. As one of Marmaris' main entertainment and nightlife hubs, this restaurant serves international cuisine and offers evening entertainment, such as folk dancing, karaoke, bingo nights and belly dancing performances.
Pineapple Restaurant
A third suggestion in Icmeler's neighbouring town is the Pineapple Restaurant. It is located near the marina, has a good reputation and is regularly visited by the marina's yacht owners, expats, locals and tourists alike.
Things to do in Icmeler in November
Jeep Safari
Jeep safaris run all year round and are one of the most popular adventurous activities in the resort. You will have a blast on these fun tours, led by professional drivers. The route runs through a wide variety of landscapes, such as the inlets and beaches of the Bozburun Peninsula and the pine forests and rivers of Marmaris National Park. Jeeps can take between four and eight people, making it an ideal thing to do for groups of friends and small families. Jeep safaris usually last from about 9am until 5pm and are filled with spectacular views, time on the beach, traditional Turkish food and meeting locals. Popular destinations on jeep safaris are the Gokova Gulf, Akbuk, Turunc, Bozburun and Akyaka. Because it's November, you are advised to bring some warmer clothes and a rain jacket.
Fishing Trip
Another exciting activity is going on a fishing trip. This is another fun half-day activity for groups of friends and families. People who don't like or want to fish can join the trip as non-fishing passengers. The boat will take you out to sea, but no further than about 30 minutes from the harbour. Because the time to get to and from the fishing area totals only an hour, you will have more time to try and catch some fish. The price includes insurance, hotel pick-up and drop-off, instructions and safety equipment, as well as all necessary fishing equipment.