What's The Weather Like In Holguin In January
Some places in the world are fortunate enough to have sunshine and warm weather all year round. Holguin is a city in the eastern region of Cuba that falls into this fortunate category. January is the coldest of the months in Holguin but the average temperature is still a very warm 22°C which is just 5°C less than the average temperature of the hottest summer months of June, July and August. The temperature in January can see highs of up to 26°C with lows in the evening down to a possible 18°C.
January in Holguin falls in the dry season and on average sees the third least amount of rainfall in the year, averaging at 45mm for the month. Compare this to the month of May which has an average monthly rainfall of 176mm which is almost 4 times that in January. Not only is there less rainfall in January but it also falls less frequently with an average of 6 rainy days for the month. You can always check the weather forecast for rain before booking any days out.
Sunshine Hours
Daylight hours in Holguin through the month of January average at 7 hours per day. This is the same as the previous three months, after January the amount of daylight hours begins to increase until the month of June which stands alone with a maximum of 10 hours of daylight per day. 7 hours is still plenty of time to enjoy the many things there is to do in Holguin and the surrounding areas.
Sea Temperature
The average sea temperature will be cooler through the winter months but at 27°C the variance is minimal with the peak temperature being just 3°C higher in the month of September. The sea will be very warm all year round in Holguin and with the chance of there being a cloudy day in January at just 5% the weather will be too.
Holguin Hotels In January
Villa Islazul Don Lino
A beautiful place to stay when visiting Holguin is Villa Islazul Don Lino which is a 3 star hotel located in Rafael Freyre. It is a great place to stay for couples as it has an air of serenity where you can truly put up your feet and relax. The Playa Blanca beach is just a short walk away too.
Hostal Finca La Esperanza
If you are looking for a place to stay that is close to a beautiful beach then the Hostal Finca La Esperanza could be just for you. The secluded beach is a ten minute walk away and there is the opportunity for private diving and snorkelling lessons from the friendly family who will be hosting your stay. The accommodation is highly recommended with clean rooms and private en-suite bathrooms.
La Casa de Los Amigos
If you are a fan of Delicious food then La Casa de Los Amigos is sure to be high up on your list of places to stay in Holguin. This stylish casa situated in central Gibara is well known for its excellent cuisine. Whether you want to stay in the courtyard and relax at the bar or explore the nearby caves there is plenty to keep you occupied throughout your stay.
Holguin Beach In January
Playa Covarrubias Beach
With the temperature of the sea being a very warm 27°C it is a great time for all you snorkelling fans to hit the beach. A great beach to visit is the Playa Covarrubias Beach which is located in Las Tunas. It was one of the largest beaches with it being over 5 kilometres long and is quite a drive but well worth it.
Bars And Restaurants
La Parriallada de la Musica
Another great Cuban restaurant in the Holguin city centre is the La Parriallada de la Musica which is a lovely little interesting restaurant. It is lovely and clean and you can even watch the chef cook your food. The restaurant has great food at great prices and is somewhere where you will get a warm and friendly welcome.
Restaurant Maragato
A great restaurant to eat at in the Holguin city centre is Restaurant Maragato which is a true hidden secret and an excellent find. The restaurant is on the roof terrace and serves traditional and delicious Cuban food.
Yeni's Restuarante & Bar
A really great place to eat in Holguin is Yeni's Restuarante & Bar which has Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food. It is a real gem of a find with the Cordon Blu Chicken being highly recommended on the menu. You will certainly get your money's worth as the dinners could feed two.
Things To Do In Holguin In January
Campina Taina
With the lovely warm temperatures and dry conditions, it is a great time to take a trip to a little Indian village not too far away from Holguin called Campina Taina. It is well worth the visit as they perform a show that will give you an insight as to Cuban life before the Europeans.
San Jose Church
If you are out enjoying the sunshine and lovely warmth in the San Jose park, be sure to visit the beautiful San Jose church (Iglesia de San Jose). This serene and beautifully crafted church is a place the locals are very proud of, once you have explored the outside why not venture inside to take it all in and relax in the shade.