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Geneva Weather in January, Switzerland

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    2 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    15 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    90 mm

January, 2025

1 Avg 37º
2 Avg 37º
3 Avg 36º
4 Avg 36º
5 Avg 36º
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7 Avg 36º
8 Avg 37º
9 Avg 36º
10 Avg 36º
11 Avg 36º
12 Avg 34º
13 Avg 34º
14 Avg 34º
15 Avg 34º
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17 Avg 36º
18 Avg 36º
19 Avg 37º
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21 Avg 36º
22 Avg 36º
23 Avg 36º
24 Avg 34º
25 Avg 34º
26 Avg 34º
27 Avg 32º
28 Avg 34º
29 Avg 34º
30 Avg 34º
31 Avg 32º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the weather like in Geneva in January


The city of Geneva experiences low temperatures in January. Daily averages usually range between - 2C (28.4F) and 4C (39.2F). However, daily lows tend to drop down to -6C (21.2F) and rise up to 4C (39.2F), even more occasionally. Consequently high temperatures may vary between -1C (30.2F) and 11C (51.8F), in general. In regard to average daily temperatures, Geneva, Switzerland, is slightly less cold than Innsbruck, Austria.

If we disregard very subtle variations, typical low and high temperatures in this destination are uniform throughout January.


January is, in general, a gray month with little sunshine here. The city experiences no more than 2 hours of sunlight per day. The ratio between cloudy and sunny weather conditions is 80% to 20% this time of year.


Ville de Genève usually receives between 70 mm/2.76 in and 90 mm/3.54 in of precipitation in the month of January. This time of year, the precipitation may come as rainfall, snowfall or sleet. The possibility of a wet day is slightly over 30% in the course of the month. Still, the amount of precipitation decreases at a slow rate as time passes. The possibility of rain or snow is almost equally distributed throughout the day, without a distinctively wetter or drier time of the day. On average, the number of wet days during January is 10.

Wind speed

The average speed of the wind is 2.7 m/s most of the month. This parameter increases only to 2.8 m/s by the end of January. Variations in the wind speed are subtle throughout the day, remaining within the limits of the light breeze.


The average relative humidity in Geneva during this period is 82%, which feels dry. The chances of comfortable or humid conditions virtually don't existent.

Sunrise and sunset

On January 1, the sun rises at 8:18 am in this Swiss city, and sets 8:41 hours later, at 4:59 pm. On January 31, the duration of daylight is 9:39 hours, with daybreak occurring at 7:59 am and sundown taking place at 5:38 pm.

Extraordinary weather occurrences

Two opposite weather influences may affect the Swiss city of Geneva this time of year.

The first arrives from the Atlantic, bringing bountiful rainfall and mild temperatures. If Atlantic depressions occur, daily highs may go up to 10C (50F), even higher.

The currents coming from Siberia, on the other hand, lower temperatures to a great extent. The Bise, the northeast wind that brings cold temperatures, intensifies in this area of Lake Geneva. On these occasions, daily highs may remain below the freezing point while the wind makes the climate seem polar.

Geneva Hotels in January

January is in the middle of the ski season in the Swiss Alps. Thus, hotel rates in Geneva, Switzerland, are high and you should reserve the room up to several months in advance. Regardless of your base, buses, boats, trams and other means of the city public transport will take you anywhere for free.

Hotel de Geneve

Hotel de Geneve is a 2-star property, located a short walk from the train station, Lake Geneve and the downtown. Soundproof rooms dispose of free wireless internet, private bathrooms, TVs and hair dryers. Paid public parking is near the hotel.

Sagitta Swiss Quality Hotel

Sagitta Swiss Quality Hotel is the 3-star establishment, located in the downtown area. Accommodation units on offer are studios, executive rooms and apartments, featuring kitchenettes and free Wi-Fi. Hotel's parking is available for a surcharge.

Fraser Suites Geneva

4-star Fraser Suites Geneva, located in the heart of Geneva, has rooms and suites at disposal. Every accommodation unit features free internet access, a kitchenette, bathroom with L'Occitane toiletries and a flat-screen TV. A gym and the business center are additional facilities of Fraser Suites Geneva.

Le Richemond

Le Richemond is an upscale, 5-star establishment. It features an attractive location by the Brunswick Gardens and Lake Geneve. Hotel's air-conditioned rooms and suites dispose of free wireless internet, TVs with flat screens and marble bathrooms with toiletries. A fitness center, spa, business center and parking are other on-site facilities.

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Bars and restaurants

The multi-cultural city of Geneva has an extensive and diverse culinary offer that could satisfy any gourmand. Food characteristic of nearer and farther corners of the world is served in the city's dining venues. But, you should prepare a handsome budget for dining. The second most populous Swiss city is not an affordable destination, to put it mildly. Bars and restaurants accept credit cards, as well as other businesses.

Parfums de Beyrouth

Parfums de Beyrouth is a Lebanese-style eatery preparing authentic Lebanese food. The restaurant serves dishes based on lamb and chicken meat while sweet pastries make an excellent closure of the meal. Opening hours are daily from 11 am to 2 am.

Living Room Bar & Kitchen

Living Room Bar & Kitchen, located in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, overlooks Lake Geneve. The dining venue incorporates influences from Europe (Spain, Italy) and Far East (Japan) into its culinary offer. Living Room Bar & Kitchen features stylish ambiance and dishes based on a daily catch. The restaurant's opening hours are from 6:30 am (7 am on weekends) to 10 pm.

Boreal Coffee Shop

Boreal Coffee Shop is an ideal place for enjoying a cup of coffee and delicacies such as cheese cake and berry muffin. Drop by at this café to have the excellent cappuccino, ice coffee or some other type of coffee. Boreal Coffee Shop is open every day from 6:30 am (8 am on weekends) to 9 pm.

Il Lago

Il Lago, located in the Four Seasons Hotel, is a first-class dining venue. This Michelin-starred restaurant combines elements of the Italian and Mediterranean gastronomy, with fish and seafood as the main ingredients of the dishes. The ambiance is another aspect of Il Lago you are sure to enjoy.

Things to do in Geneva in January

Palais des Nations

Palais des Nations is a marble complex and one of the most recognizable landmarks of the city of Geneva. In the past, it housed the headquarters of the League of Nations, which ceased operations with the outbreak of the Second World War. Today, the Palais des Nations is the headquarters of the United Nations. And the presence of this organization is the main reason why Ville de Genève is known as "the capital of peace." You can explore the building's premises on a guided tour, which reveals various artworks and activities taking place here.

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum boasts the largest exhibition about the natural history in Switzerland. The museum consists of several departments spanning the entire evolution of our planet. You can familiarize yourself with the flora native to this region, tropical and polar wildlife and reptiles among other exhibits. The earthquake simulator and the two-headed turtle are some highlights of the Natural History Museum.

Patek Philippe Museum

Besides cheeses, Switzerland is renowned for clocks and watches. And the Patek Philippe Museum boasts an extraordinary display of these useful devices. Here, you can take a close look at watches originated in the present Switzerland and Europe from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Also, the museum spotlights the very beginnings of watchmaking. Besides, don't miss a nice collection of portrait miniatures spanning the period from the 17th to the 19th centuries.