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Geneva Weather in February, Switzerland

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    3 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    13 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    80 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg 34º
2 Avg 34º
3 Avg 36º
4 Avg 37º
5 Avg 36º
6 Avg 37º
7 Avg 37º
8 Avg 36º
9 Avg 36º
10 Avg 34º
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12 Avg 36º
13 Avg 36º
14 Avg 34º
15 Avg 37º
16 Avg 36º
17 Avg 36º
18 Avg 37º
19 Avg 36º
20 Avg 37º
21 Avg 37º
22 Avg 37º
23 Avg 37º
24 Avg 37º
25 Avg 39º
26 Avg 37º
27 Avg 39º
28 Avg 39º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the Weather Like in Geneva in February


February is a cold month in the Swiss city of Geneva. Daily temperatures, usually ranging between -1C (30.2F) and 6C (42.8F), are slightly higher than in January. Considering average monthly temperatures, Geneva, Switzerland, is colder than Milan, Italy, for several degrees Celsius (up to a dozen degrees Fahrenheit). Still, low and high temperatures in this destination may vary to a smaller or larger extent this time of year. Minimum temperatures tend to fluctuate from -6C (21.2F) to 5C (41F), sometimes more. Maximum temperatures, in general, might range between 0C (32F) and 14C (57.2F).

Temperature values are usually a bit higher by the end of February than at the beginning of the month. Still, it feels very cold, even freezing, throughout the day at all times.

Sunshine Hours

In February, the city receives around 3 hours of bright sunshine per day on average. The possibility of overcast or mostly cloudy weather is above 50% on a daily basis. The share of sunny weather during daylight hours is around 30%, while the remaining 70% belong to cloud cover


The possibility of rainy or snowy weather decreases from 32% to 27% in the course of February. Precipitation may take form of rain, snow or sleet this time of year in Geneva. The usual amount of precipitation this destination receives in February is between 70 mm/2.76 in and 80 mm/3.15 in. This month usually has 9 days with rain and snow. In general, the likelihood of rainfall or snowfall is the same regardless of the time of day.

Wind speed

The speed of the wind, measuring 2.8 m/s on average, is constant throughout the month of February in the city of Geneva. Variations in this regard are very subtle, with the wind speed fluctuating between 2.6 m/s and 3.5 m/s.


In regard to humidity, the second most populous city in Switzerland is a dry destination this time of year. Any deviations in regard to this are highly unlikely to occur. The average relative humidity is around 77%.

Sunrise and sunset

Days are significantly longer by the end of February than in the beginning of the month. On February 1, the sun rises at 7:58 am and sets at 5:39 pm, 9:41 hours later. On February 28, daylight lasts 11:02 hours, from 7:17 am to 6:19 pm.

Extraordinary weather occurrences

Only lower or higher temperatures than those typical for Ville de Genève this time of year are likely to happen in February. These are the consequence of air masses arriving from the Atlantic and Russia. While the former increase temperatures, with highs going beyond 10C (50F), the latter keep maximum temperatures below freezing. During freezing days, winds are capable of making you think it is much colder than it really is.

Geneva Hotels in February

Hotel deals tend to be high in the Swiss city of Geneva in February because of the ski season. Consequently, you should start searching the accommodation well in advance. What may seem strange is that rates are lower during weekends than workdays in this destination. The reason is reflux of travelers doing business with the UN, banks and various organizations during the weekend.

Hotel Central

Hotel Central is a 2-star property located in the downtown area. The hotel has guest rooms, studios and apartments on offer, with private or shared bathrooms. Free Wi-Fi is available. Some units add air-conditioning and kitchenettes among other facilities.

Lake Geneva Hotel

3-star Lake Geneva Hotel is located next to Lake Geneva in Versoix, several kilometers north of the city of Geneva. The property disposes of rooms and suites. Basic in-room amenities are free internet access, TVs with flat screens, free toiletries and air-conditioning. The hotel has a restaurant and meeting rooms, too. Parking is available for an additional charge. 

Hôtel NH Geneva City

Hôtel NH Geneva City is a 4-star establishment featuring close proximity to the UN headquarters, Lake Geneva and most other attractions. Accommodation units on offer are rooms (standard, superior and family) and Junior Suites, ranging in size from 18 m2 to 39 m2. All units feature free wireless internet, air-conditioning and flat-screen TVs. Some of them add garden views. Breakfast buffet and a few bars are additional facilities, as well as an outdoor terrace, business center and parking.

InterContinental Geneve

InterContinental Geneve is a 5-star hotel, featuring rooms and suites, a variety of complimentary facilities and an attractive location. Some in-room amenities are free Wi-Fi, air-conditioners and tea/coffee makers. Meeting and conference rooms, wellness and fitness centers, several bars and restaurants, and a swimming pool are other useful on-site facilities.

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Bars and restaurants

Dining at restaurants of Geneva, Switzerland, tends to be expensive, so plan a larger budget than you would normally do. Once you settle this small matter, you can enjoy any type of cuisine there is in the world. The Swiss cuisine, heavily influenced by French and Italian cuisines, has some outstanding specialties. For example, Swiss chocolate, Rivella, Raclette and horse meat (Cheval) are some types of food characteristic of this country.

Café de la Limite

Café de la Limite is a popular and affordable eatery. Maybe its exterior doesn't seem inviting, but many people like the café's meat dishes, salads, pastas and other food. And, prices are affordable. Opening hours of Café de la Limite are from 7 am (9 am on Saturday) to midnight daily except on Sunday.

Chez ma Cousine

Chez ma Cousine is another restaurant in the multi-cultural city of Geneva that serves affordable food. The specialty of the house is roasted chicken that comes with a few side dishes. The outcome is a very satiating meal for a decent price. Plan to arrive at the restaurant out of rush hours for a bigger chance to find a table. Chez ma Cousine is open every day from 11 am to 11:30 pm.

Bistro de la Tour

Bistro de la Tour is a Michelin-starred restaurant, which bases its culinary offer on seasonal and fresh ingredients. Hence, it depends on the season and the day what exactly they will have in the menu when you arrive. However, their wine list is constant, as well as their slogan "Life is too short to drink bad wine." Bistro de la Tour is open on workdays from noon to 2 pm, and from 7 pm to 10 pm. Reservations are recommended.

Domaine de Chateauvieux

Domaine de Chateauvieux is a reputable dining venue serving a wide range of specialties. For example, you can dine roasted grouse breast, lobster in an exotic coconut-and-curry sauce, foie grass and other imaginative dishes. Add to these dishes a first-class cigar and a top-notch wine for the premium experience. You should reserve a table at Domaine de Chateauvieux online.

Things to do in Geneva in February

Switzerland is both Catholic- and Protestant-Christian country. And two main religious structures of Ville de Genève highlight this division. The Protestantism emerged in the 16th century, when Martin Luther wanted to reform the Catholic Christian Church.

St. Pierre Cathedral

St. Pierre Cathedral is an ecclesiastical structure of the Reformed (Protestant) Church. Located in Old Town, it assumes a hill overseeing the city of Geneva. The cathedral is a true architectural gem, incorporating elements of a few historic architectural styles. From the outside, you will perceive Gothic and classical styles with ease. Inside, the imposing Gothic interior and Gothic and Romanesque capitals will delight you further. Also, try to overcome 157 steps for extraordinary views of the city from the top of the tower.

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum boasts the largest exhibition about the natural history in Switzerland. The museum consists of several departments spanning the entire evolution of our planet. You can familiarize yourself with the flora native to this region, tropical and polar wildlife and reptiles among other exhibits. The earthquake simulator and the two-headed turtle are some highlights of the Natural History Museum.

Basilica of Notre-Dame (Our Lady)

Basilica of Notre-Dame, on the other hand, is the Catholic-Christian religious structure. Built in the mid-19th century, it features neo-Gothic architectural style. The basilica is a stopover for pilgrims heading to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, the most important Catholic-Christian pilgrimage site after Jerusalem and Rome. Elaborate from the outside, the Basilica of Our Lady features striking interior and noteworthy stained-glass windows.