What's the weather like in Fuengirola in November
November in Fuengirola can be a nice escape for those looking for a warmer climate and sunny days. The average temperature this month is 14°C (57°F), with the average low at 10°C (50°F), and the average high being 18°C (64°F). The beginning of November brings sunshine, a low chance of rain, and fairly warm temperatures, with the daily average being 17°C (63°F). Temperatures start to drop rapidly as the month goes on, with the daily average in the middle of November falling to 13.5°C (56°F), and the chance of rain increases.
The end of November is basically the same as the middle, with the temperature dropping slightly to a daily average of 13°C (55°F). The hottest part of November are the first four days, with an average high of 21°C (70°F) and an average low of 13°C (55°F). The last 10 days of the month are the coldest, with an average high of 17°C (63°F) and the average low dropping to just 9°C (48°F).
Average Sunshine Hours
While you won't be spending all day at the beach this month like you would during the summer, there is still an average of eight hours of sun a day, allowing for you to bask in the sun during your daytime activities.
The chance of rain in November increases from the months around it, as November is Fuengirola's rainiest month. On average there are 115mm (4.5 inches) of rainfall this month over the course of 11 days. This is not a significant amount and you could easily not see rain once during your stay, but still something to plan for.
Average Sea Temperature
The sea temperature in November is still warm enough to swim in, as the average temperature is 18°C (64°F). This is considered relatively cool water that most people wouldn't want to spend more than 10-20 minutes in. However, you will likely want a warm day in order to feel the urge to jump in the water in the first place, so if swimming is on your "must-do" list, head to Fuengirola during the first half of November.
The humidity levels are on average about the same in November as they are in October, which is just above 70%. With the cooler temperatures this month, the humidity will not be a nuisance to your holiday.
Fuengirola Hotels in November
Hotel PYR Fuengirola offers 250 apartment-style rooms, where guests can choose from studios, one-bedrooms, two-bedrooms, or one-bedroom penthouses. All rooms come with sea-views, air-conditioning/heating, a full bathroom, and a kitchen area with cutlery and utensils. The hotel has a pool with complimentary sunbeds, as well as a restaurant serving buffet-style breakfast. Hotel PYR is just off of Fuengirola's port and overlooks the marina, so they are about a 12 minute walk to the city centre.
Hotel Villa Laredo is a three-star hotel that offers three types of rooms: standard, sea-view, and triples. Every room is equipped with air-conditioning/heating as well as wireless Internet. They have a pool on the top floor of the building which looks out to the sea, as well as direct access to the beach, a restaurant, and a cafeteria bar. They are located just 150 meters away from the closest public transportation, as well as about a 15 minute walk to the city centre.
Bars and Restaurants
La Luna Restaurant offers a variety of foods, capable of pleasing any patron. They use fresh and local products to prepare both grilled meats (pork ribs, lamb, chicken, steak) and seafood (salmon, swordfish, tuna) alike. They have a long list of starters, salads, a huge wine list, and constantly changing daily specials. They offer both indoor and outdoor seating as well. La Luna Restaurant is about a five minute drive from the city centre.
If you are interested in a Spanish and French fusion restaurant, try Crepes'n Tapas Bar. Run by a man from Paris and a woman from Madrid, they have combined the food staples of what they each know best into one. Their crepes are made using traditional French recipes and with products from France, while the tapas are also homemade and a mixture of "traditional" style (omelets, anchovis, sausages, etc.) and a more "creative" style offering twists on the former. They are also able to provide foods for almost any type of eater, including vegetarians and those whom are gluten free. They are located about a six minute walk to the city centre.
Things to do in Fuengirola in November
If you like to partake in sports during your holiday, be sure to head to Mijas Golf Club. They offer two 18-hole courses, one that is more for beginners and casual players, and another for golfers with a more refined game. The club also has a practice area and putting green, buggy hire, a restaurant, golf shop, as well as changing rooms and showers. Booking a tee time in advance is recommended and they are located about a 12 minute drive from the city centre.
For a little excitement for people of all ages, check out Tivoli World. They are an amusement park offering several different types of rides, games, and shows like Flamenco performances. They also have two different restaurants, one serving a grilled meat buffet, and the other providing various Asian style dishes. Tickets can be purchase at a discount online, as well as at the park itself. They are located about a 15 minute drive away from Fuengirola's city centre.
The main square in Fuengirola is the Plaza de Constitución, which is worth checking out for its constant buzz. The town band often gathers here to play and there is always something going on, making it a good stopping point during your day. There is also a lovely church in the plaza called the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Coronada. Although the church has daily mass, they are open to the public and the ornate interior is worth seeing. The plaza is located in the city centre.