What's the weather like in Fuengirola in March
If you are looking to avoid the crowds that take over Fuengirola during the summer months, March is a lovely time to go. The average temperature this month is 14°C (57°F), with an average low of 9°C (48°F), and an average high of 18°C (64°F). We see the coldest temperatures of the month at the beginning of March, with the average temperature being 12.5°C (54.5°F), and a very minimal chance of rain.
Temperatures begin to rise in the middle of the month, as the average temperature is 13.5°C (56°F), and the chance of rain decreases as well. While the chance of rain stays the same at the end of March, the temperature again increases, to an average temperature of 14.5°C (58°F). To be exact, the coldest day of the month is the 1st of March, with an average high of 17°C (63°F) and an average low of 8°C (46°F). The last three days of March are the warmest with an average high of 19°C (66°F) and an average low of 10°C (50°F).
Average Sunshine Hours
In addition to the temperatures being comfortable, the average sunshine per day is nine hours and much of March brings sunny weather. This is an increase of two hours from February, so if you put a premium on sun, you may want to head to Fuengirola during March instead of a month earlier.
The average rainfall for March is just 59mm (2.3 inches), spread out of the course of 11 days. This averages out to a paltry 3.75mm (0.14 inches), not nearly enough to cause you to lose precious vacation time outdoors.
Average Sea Temperature
Unfortunately the sea hasn't had enough time to warm up yet to make it worth going swimming. The average temperature in the sea for the month of March is 16°C (61°F), which is the same that it is in January and February. If there is a particularly warm day in March, a quick dip in the sea isn't out of the question, but you just wouldn't want to stay in the water too long, as 16°C is a bit cold for a long swim.
The humidity in March is just under 70% on average, which is comfortable and almost unnoticeable in days with cooler temperatures.
Fuengirola Hotels in March
Las Rampas Hotel is a three-star hotel that offers 159 rooms. Every room has air-conditioning and heating, as well as satellite TV. The hotel doesn't offer many facilities, but they do have a pool, prepaid Internet kiosks, car rental service, and assistance with arrangements for day-trips. They also have a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a buffet style, providing both local and international cuisines. As Las Rampas is located just 150 meters away from the beach, some rooms have sea views. The hotel is also centrally located, with the city centre less than 100 meters away and just a two minute walk to the train station.
The Hotel Mainare Playa Fuengirola is a four-star hotel that recently opened in June 2013. Guests can choose between single or double rooms all offering air-conditioning/heating, and some offering sea-views. The hotel provides two pools (one for adults, one for children), a cafeteria open from 11 AM to midnight, a buffet style restaurant, as well as Flamenco shows and live music several nights a week. They are located just 50 meters from the beach and about a five-minute drive to the city centre.
Fuengirola Beach for March
San Francisco beach is located next to the port of Fuengirola. It is easy to spot as it is located just off the paved walkway that follows the water. March is a good time to visit this beach as it can get very crowded during the high season (June-August), but is much quieter this time of year.
Since it is so close to town, there are plenty of options for food/drink, such as the Kaldi Route, which serves coffee and tea, in addition to cocktails. Being close to the port as well, the area is buzzing with fisherman and sail boats, which can make for wonderful people watching. San Francisco beach is about a five minute drive from the city centre.
Bars and Restaurants
Shaggy's Bar is the place to be on the weekends for both tourists and locals alike. Offering live music from Friday through Sunday, as well as cocktails and their own unique twist on tapas, Shaggy's provides a bit of everything. The interior of the bar is described as being in the "Cuban" style, and there is outdoor seating as well on a large terrace. Shaggy's is located in the port of Fuengirola.
Things to do in Fuengirola in March
The City History Museum is a good place to check out to learn about your surroundings. The museum is home to several artifacts that were discovered locally some at major Fuengirola sights like Sohail Castle. Split into two sections, the museum covers both ancient history, as well as more modern day findings. The museum is open from 11 AM to 1 PM on Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is free and is just minutes away walking from the city centre.