What's the weather like in Fuengirola in February
While January is the coldest month of the year in Fuengirola, February is not much warmer. The average temperature this month is 12°C (54°F), with the average low being 7°C (45°F), and the average high being 16°C (61°F). The beginning of February is the coldest part of the month with an average temperature of 11.5°C (53°F), but a minimal chance of rain. The rest of the month stays relatively consistent and warms up slightly with an average temperature of 12°C (54°F), as well as a small uptick in the chance of rain.
Although temperatures do not vary much in February, the coldest part of the month is at the beginning around the 1st to the 4th with an average high of 16°C (61°F) and an average low of 7°C (45°F). The warmest part of February is in the middle of the month around the 12th with an average high of 17°C (63°F) and an average low of 8°C (46°F).
Average Sunshine Hours and Rain
There are just seven hours of sunshine in February and it rains on average 13 days this month. Since there are only 28 days in February, this is almost half of the month. However, the average total rainfall is just 75mm (2.95 inches), which spread out over 13 days is just 5.8mm (0.23 inches), meaning it's not as much rain as it appears. In actuality, much of the rain this month comes over a period of a day or two, while the rest of the month remains sunny.
Average Sea Temperature
Swimming is generally out of the question in February as the average sea temperature is only 16°C (61°F). This shouldn't discourage you from going to the beach, however. With plenty of sun and comfortable temperatures, it is the perfect time to take advantage of beaches that are less crowded during the off-season. It may be too cold to work on your tan, but the peacefulness of an empty beach will more than make up for it.
The humidity levels in February can change drastically from one day to the next, ranging from 40% up to 90%. On average, the humidity levels are around 70%, which is fairly comfortable.
Fuengirola Hotels in February
The Myramar Fuengirola Hotel is a three-star hotel that is relatively new, having opened in 2002. They offer 229 apartment-style rooms, and guests can choose between one-bedroom or two-bedroom setups. They have several on-site services, including a spa, three restaurants, swimming pools, a recreation/game centre, tennis courts, and a children's play area, among other amenities. All rooms come with a refrigerator, a microwave, and kitchenware in case you want to do your cooking at home, as well as both air-conditioning and heating. There are no rooms with sea-views and the hotel is located a 15 minute walk away from the city centre.
The Apartments Jabega is a three-star facility with 133 units consisting of either studios, or two-room apartments over 10 floors. Due to its location just off of the beach, almost every room has a sea-view, and all rooms come with air-conditioning/heating. They also have a restaurant and bar on-site, with a large terrace that looks out to the sea. They are located about 17 minutes walking from the city centre and offer easy beach access.
Bars and Restaurants
If you insist on eating market fresh food, Palangreros Restaurante is the place for you. They serve a Mediterranean style cuisine offering locally caught seafood, as well as a variety of chicken and beef options. In addition to offering high quality food, their prices are reasonable as well, as their fixed menu price for dinner is under 20 per person. The restaurant is located in the city centre.
Karaoke fans of all ages will love going to The Cavern. The singing starts at 9:30 PM (doors open nightly at 8:30 PM) and kids are welcome to take a turn, as well as adults. There is also a pool table and dance floor to keep you entertained while you're not singing yourself. The Cavern has a full bar, capable of filling almost any drink order. Located in the city centre, it is just a five minute walk from the Los Boliche train station.
Things to do in Fuengirola in February
The Ralli Museum is a must for any art lover. The museum offers ten rooms of collections of contemporary and surrealist Spanish artists, including the likes of Salvador Dali and Picasso, although the work done by lesser known artists should not be overlooked as it is equally impressive. There is also work done by European artists, such as Miro, Chagall and Gentilini. The creations range from paintings to sculptures, so there is plenty to see. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 AM to 3 PM and is about a 25-30 minute drive from the city centre. Admission to the museum is free.
If you are a history buff, the Finca Del Secretario should be on your list of places to see. This area of Roman ruins was uncovered in the 1970's during railway construction. This famous site was used as a spa/bath area, as well as a fish salting location, with many of the remains still in good condition. Visiting the ruins is free of charge and is about a 25 minute walk from the city centre.
If February presents you with a cold day, consider checking out the Miramar Shopping Centre. Opened in 2004, this mall offers two floors of 140 local and international businesses selling their wide range of products. From H&M and Zara, to Adidas, Shoes & More, and Swatch, you should be able to find almost anything on your shopping list. The mall also has several restaurants and is located about 18 minutes walking to the city centre. The line one and line four buses both stop at the mall as well.