What's the Weather like in Faro in January
January falls within the winter season in Faro, Portugal. Faro experiences a Mediterranean climate year round, although January is a definite low point in sunshine hours and average temperature. Despite this, Faro remains a winter holiday destination to escape the cold experienced throughout Northern Europe at this time of year.
Weather averages 12°C (54°F) with highs getting up to 16°C (61°F) and lows going down to 8°C (46°F). The temperature remains rather constant throughout January. Daily highs exceed 18°C (65°F) or drop below 14°C (57°F) only one day out of ten. Daily lows fall below 4°C (40°F) or exceed 13°C (56°F) one day out of ten.
January in Faro sees the fifth most average rainfall of the year with 60mm. This translates to rainfall every 3 days or days total for January. Thunderstorms are more likely at the beginning of the month, with moderate rain and light rain more likely towards the middle of the month, and drizzle very likely towards the end. The average daily humidity for January is 80%.
The average sunshine hours for January is five, tied for the lowest amount with December. This number slowly increases as the month progresses, with the end of January seeing the most sunshine.
Average sea temperature stays very constant in the winter months leading into the spring. January through April see an average of 17°C (63°F).
Faro Hotels in January
Faro offers plenty of decent accommodation for a range of different tastes and budgets. With January being the off season for hotels, take advantage by booking a five star hotel at off season rates.
One such option is Real Marina Hotel & Spa located in Olhao, about 8 miles east of Faro. The Real Marina Hotel & Spa includes a full-service spa, an outdoor pool, and an indoor pool. Perfect for if the weather is unfavourable. There are also two restaurants, a coffee shop, poolside bar, and a bar and lounge. Staying here enables you to have everything at your fingertips.
Those looking to be in the centre of Faro, try Hotel Faro. This four star hotel is located in the Old Town area of Faro. There are 90 modern rooms that are functional and comfortable. Restaurant Ria Formosa is located on rooftop of the hotel and offers panoramic views of Faro.
Bars and Restaurants
Try Restaurante A Canga tucked away in the northern neighbourhood of Santa Barbara de Nexe. This is a "hidden gem" serving local specialties such as Cataplana, fresh and delicious seafood, and Pudim de Caramelo for dessert! This restaurant is child friendly and you'll be sure to find plenty of locals to mingle with.
Things to do in Faro in January
If you find yourself in Faro, Portugal in January you will want to mainly consider indoor activities. Luckily, there is a vast number of options to keep you entertained.
If the weather is favourable, you should take the time to explore Faro's Old Town. Filled with historic buildings, the charm of this district will take you back in time. Make sure to bring walking shoes as the streets are cobbled. While you're here be sure to check out Largo da Se, the main square that used to be the Roman Forum. Also available to see is the Municipal Museum.
The Municipal Museum is located in Faro's Old Town (entry 2). This museum was the second created in the Algarve region of Portugal and has been awarded with "Best Portuguese Museum" 2003-2005. The museum, formerly a sixteenth-century convent, now houses various art and artefacts reflecting the city's history and culture.