What's the Weather like in Faro in August
August, being the hottest month of the year along with July, is a great time to visit Faro, Portugal. The chance for rain is next to none, the sun will be shining, and the sea temperature will be comfortable for swimming.
The average temperature for August is 24°C (74°F), consistent with July. The average highs are also consistent with July, reaching 28°C (82°F). This is common throughout the whole month, with a slight chance for a lower high the last week of the month. August's average lows are 19°C (66°F). These are mostly seen at the end of the month. Average highs gradually fall throughout the month with only one day in ten going above 33°C (91°F) or below 24°C (76°F). Daily lows go below 16°C (61°F) or above 23° (73°F) one in ten days.
The average rainfall stays constant with 10mm, the least amount for the year tied with June, July and September. This translates to on average 1 day of rainfall for August. The most common rainfall for August is moderate rain, which has the highest chance of occurring at the end of the month. Drizzle, thunderstorms, and light rain all are less common, but also have the highest chance of occurring at the end of the month. The beginning half of August only has a 4% chance of seeing rainfall. The average humidity for August is 65% the second lowest for the year.
Sunshine Hours
August receives the most amount of average sunshine hours with 12. This is also experienced in May, June, and July. Average sunshine hours slowly decrease as the month goes on, with the highest average sunshine hours occurring at the start of the month.
Average Sea Temperature
The average sea temperature for August is the highest of the year at 23°C (73°F), this average is also seen in September.
Faro Hotels in August
Those looking for a luxurious beach holiday should head to Bela Vista Hotel & Spa. Located 17 miles west of Faro in Rocha, this 5 star hotel provides everything you need for a fantastic holiday. The hotel rooms are extremely comfortable with options including a suite with a sea view. It is known as an oasis of calm in the bustling Praia da Rocha. The hotel has private beach access and an outdoor pool with views of the sea. There is an excellent restaurant on site.
Faro Beach for August
Take advantage of the high season and make the trek to Ilha de Armona where Praia da Armona is located.
There are three islands that act as a barrier to the sea, the beaches on these islands can only be reached by ferry which leaves Olhao. The ferry departs every 15 minutes and takes about 30 minutes to get to the beach but is well worth it. The landscape at Praia da Armona provides a peace of mind due to the inaccessibility compared with other beaches in the Algarve region. The main part of the beach is patrolled by lifeguards in the summer. There are also a couple restaurants and toilets, both closed when not in season. If you like having the beach to yourself, head to Armona.
Bars and Restaurants
The best sushi in Algarve can be found at Sushi Ya in central Faro. Located at 36 Rua Cruz das Mestras, this place is small and hidden so keep your eyes open. Prices are a bit higher than what you would find throughout Faro, a platter for two costing about 42. The menu includes sushi, sashimi, and noodle dishes and are all made using the freshest ingredients. The restaurant is family friendly and the staff is very hospitable.
Another hidden gem is the vegetarian restaurant Gengibre e Canela. Located in a small side street at 10 Travessa da Mota in central Faro, this vegetarian restaurant gets rave reviews even from non-vegetarians. The restaurant offers an all you can eat buffet for 7.50 which includes salads, a soup, bread, rice, curries, and delicious vegetarian and vegan desserts. There is also a huge selection of fresh juices.
Things to do in Faro in August
With the average sea temperature for August at 23°C (73°F), this is a fantastic month to learn to dive. Hidroespaco has been teaching people to dive since 1995. The dive sites are located along the coast of Faro and allow you to explore shipwrecks, artificial and natural reefs, archaeological sites and inside the Ria Formosa. If your dive level is greater than beginner, they have advanced spots as well. Hidroespaco is the only dive centre licensed for diving near the Ria Formosa's Seahorses.
A good kid-friendly option is to visit the Centro Ciencia Viva do Algarve. This science museum is located in the Faro harbour are making it easily accessible. The staff here is very enthusiastic and excited to talk about the numerous displays. Children under 3 are free, ages 4-17 cost 2, and adults 4.