Guyana Weather Forecasts


Guyana Weather Forecasts

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About Guyana

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Updated at 12:01 GMT

About Guyana

Previously known as British Guiana; Guyana is boarded on the northern coast of South America, partially landlocked by the countries of Brazil to the south, Venezuela on the West and Suriname on the East, with the Atlantic Ocean to the north. Guyana can be separated into four geographical regions being; a low coastal plain along the Atlantic coast where the majority of the population resides, a white sandy region located more inland consisting of many sand dunes and areas of clay, a forested highland region located in the midst of the country obtaining many dense rainforests and the Savannah region in the south and in the interior highlands area which consists of many mountains rising towards the border of Brazil.

Most of the country features a tropical climate and both its air and sea temperatures, as well as its rainfall and humidity levels, are consistently high. Climatic alterations from season to season are only minor, especially throughout the coastline. Even though the average climate will never reach dangerous temperatures and become unbearable, the arrangement of heat and relative humidity can at times create an oppressive feeling to the environment. The whole country is affected by the influence of northeast trade winds that are present all year round. Throughout the day, in particular, the midst of the day and afternoon the constant sea breezes will be a soothing relief to the coastal areas.

Temperature and Humidity

The average temperature in Georgetown is rather stable as average highs linger around 32°C and average lows stay around 24°C in July which is the entire countryâs hottest month. February however will hover anywhere 23°C to 29°C and this is considered the countryâs coolest month. Guyanaâs highest climate ever recorded took place in Georgetown in August 1982 when the region hit 34°C, whereas the lowest temperature ever recorded was in 1991 when the climate dropped to 20°C. This shows very little climatic extremes take place in the country of Guyana from year to year.

Humidity levels also differ only slightly from the coastal regions to that in the interior of the country. Humidity on the coast will average around 70 per cent at any time of the year whereas the inland regions are only slightly lower lingering around 90 per cent.

Areas situated more inland and away from the restrained influence of the oceanic breezes feature a slightly wider variation in both day and night temperatures, and again throughout seasons. Climates during the summer will still remain quite high ranging anywhere from 27°C to 32°C throughout the day and night time climates will only drop by a few degrees. Yet, throughout the winter months, the climates will descend to some extent and will also proceed quite quickly, with temperatures ranging between 14°C in February to 21°C in December. Night time climates throughout the winter have also been recorded to drop to as low as 12°C.


Precipitation levels are commonly at their highest in the northwest regions of the country and at their lowest in the south-east and interior of the country. Areas near Venezuelan on coastal regions will record annual averages around 2500mm, further east closer to New Amsterdam will record averages of 2000mm and the southern region of Guyana in the Rupununi Savannah typically record averages of 1500mm. However, in the northeast areas of the mountains where the trade winds are all present, precipitation levels are even higher than the coastal regions averaging at a total of 3500mm of rain each year. Even though substantial amounts of rainfall is obtained throughout the year, over 50 per cent of the yearly intake arrives in the summer, otherwise known as the rainy season that extends from May until the end of July on the coastline and from April until the end of September in the areas more inland. Although the countryâs interior experiences a more extended rainy season, the coastal regions also feature a second wet season from November until January. Rain is normally obtained in the form of afternoon showers or thunderstorms, and will typically fall very heavily but will be quite brisk. Grey overcast days are uncommon as most days will include anywhere from four to eight hours of hot sunshine from morning through until early afternoon.


Even though Guyana is considered apart of the Caribbean Sea, the country is situated in the southernmost part of the Caribbean hurricane belt. Therefore in previous years, no hurricane has been known to hit the country.