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Costa Blanca Weather in February, Spain

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    7 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    4 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    23 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg 14º 57º
2 Avg 13º 55º
3 Avg 12º 54º
4 Avg 13º 55º
5 Avg 14º 57º
6 Avg 14º 57º
7 Avg 14º 57º
8 Avg 13º 55º
9 Avg 12º 54º
10 Avg 13º 55º
11 Avg 13º 55º
12 Avg 14º 57º
13 Avg 15º 59º
14 Avg 14º 57º
15 Avg 14º 57º
16 Avg 13º 55º
17 Avg 13º 55º
18 Avg 13º 55º
19 Avg 13º 55º
20 Avg 13º 55º
21 Avg 13º 55º
22 Avg 13º 55º
23 Avg 13º 55º
24 Avg 12º 54º
25 Avg 12º 54º
26 Avg 13º 55º
27 Avg 13º 55º
28 Avg 14º 57º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the Weather like in Costa Blanca in February

Average Sunshine Hours

As the year progresses, the weather starts to get warmer in Costa Blanca, although February's averages are still only marginally better than January.  Sun lovers will be glad to hear that this month brings an extra hour of sun per day.


At least rainfall levels remain low, too, with only four days of rain forecasted per month. 

Average Sea Temperature & Air Temperature

Seawater temperatures stay at the same level as they did in January, with air temperatures reaching an annual high of 17 degrees Celsius.

Processionary Caterpillars 

At this time of year the processionary Caterpillars will start to appear if the weatehr is warm , these are to be avoided with children and dogs as they canmake children sick and even kill small dogs .

They can be found in the Montgo Mountain Area between Javea and Denia as well as in Granadella . For more information see this article . 

Bar and Restaurants

Hotel Areca

Situated in Elche, the Hotel Areca opened in 2006 and offers guests a calm and tranquil place to stay. Facilities include a free spa, private parking and a well-maintained terrace garden.

Hotel Buena Vista

From the modernisms of Areca to Hotel Buena Vista in Denia, this is of the classic brand of Spanish hotel. This 19th century mansion has had a makeover since those days, and the majority of the rooms offer a tremendous sea view and facilities for swimming, sauna and gym equipment. It might look slightly dated from the outside, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the inside, which is full of character and very charming.

Campsite Internacional La Marina

Campsites are few and far between in Costa Blanca, but the main one is Campsite Internacional La Marina. Open all year round, it has regular deals for mega savings for savvy tourists. The campground has 36 bungalows, all in different categories to cater for all types of individual and prices. Bicycle rental is available and there's an outdoor themed swimming lake, too.

Mont Royal

One of the leading hostels in Costa Blanca is Mont Royal, situated on the San Juan beach in Alicante. The main amenities at this accommodation include a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi, with optional deals for those preferring a breakfast and lunch package.

Coral Beach Apartments

Coral Beach Apartments in Calpe is the place to be if the plan is to go on a family holiday on a self-catering basis. This apartment is close to the shops, the beach and the restaurants, so there is plenty for everyone to remain content and occupied.

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Beaches in Costa Blanca for February

Playa del Cura

Playa del Cura is the beach resort of Torrevieja, and while it is perhaps best to avoid it during the peak summer months due to the crowds, it is a great place to go before June. The beach is a pretty spot to relax and enjoy a stroll and a picnic; swimmers should note that the sea bed is quite stony here.

Las Bassetes

Les Bassetes beach in Calpe is gorgeous. Conditions are perfect for learning how to sail (heck, why not aim for Olympic standard) thanks to the area being suitably sheltered, and the underwater sea bed here is ideal for diving.

Bars and Restaurants


Aitona restaurant in Benidorm does some of the best paella around. Paella is the most common dish in Spain, and is enjoyed regularly by both tourists and locals alike. Grilled meat is served as an alternative.

El Toro Steak House

Head to the El Toro Steak House over in Benijofar. This restaurant adopts a modern European approach to dining and offers a different feel to your regular steak house. Dutch steaks lead the way, and they have been especially imported from Holland to reach their new destination by the sea.

Benidorm Palace

Benidorm Palace is a very professional show, even if the venue looks like it could do with a lick of paint. There are options to dine, as well as enjoy an entertaining, lively show full of cabaret acts and dancers. The night isn't cheap as chips but is guaranteed to be a lot of fun and a quality night out.

Clan Cabaret

Another good night out is Clan Cabaret in Alicante. Regular live music performances and entertaining plays take place during the course of the year, and in the summer, it turns into disco fever bound to please youngsters who fancy strutting their stuff on the dance floor.

Things to do in Costa Blanca in February

MARQ Provincial Archaeological Museum

Another of the main museums to visit in Costa Blanca is MARQ Provincial Archaeological Museum in Alicante. This museum provides a great mix of historical and archaeological artefacts. Having won international stardom as the European Museum of the Year nine years ago for the originality of the exhibits on display, the MARQ is in great company alongside other classical worldwide museums, such as the Salzburg Museum in Austria and the National Railway Museum in the UK in York.

Fish Market and Auction

This is an intriguing trip, but so too is an excursion to the hugely popular fish market and auction over in Denia. The locals enjoy their food in Costa Blanca, and freshly prepared fish is among their favourite dishes. Head to the port of Denia around mid-afternoon, and you will see the fishermen determined to haul in an impressive catch. When their business is complete, the caught fish are taken to La Lonja, so interested customers can see what is available before the start of the auction. Ultimately, some of the fish will go to the lowest bidder in the auction (different to traditional English auctions), and the rest makes general sale for the public. Even if fish is not part of your everyday diet, this is a lively, colourful part of life in Costa Blanca and interesting from a spectator's point of view.


In mid-February, there are major carnival festivities throughout the Alicante area of Costa Blanca. There are a number of parties, which include colourful processions of decorated floats and the traditional burying of a sardines on Ash Wednesday.