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Cambridge Live Weather, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom



5° 41°

Your Time: Time in Cambridge: 17:35

5:00 PM, Thu 30th Jan

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    09h 00m
  • Pressure
    30" (1023 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    13 km/h

Sunrise 07:43

Sunset 16:43
  • Temp feels like:

    3ºC (38 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    09h 00m

  • Pressure:

    30" (1023 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    13 km/h


What's The Weather Like In Cambridge?

Cambridge is a city on the River Cam, in East Anglia, England in the United Kingdom about 50 miles north of London. The whole of the UK sits in the Gulf Stream, an Atlantic current that brings warmer weather to the region than is natural at its northerly latitude.

Cambridge has a temperate climate, strongly influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. This means while all four seasons occur, no extremes of temperature are reached. 

What's Summer Like In Cambridge?

From June until September, summer in Cambridge can be warm and sunny, but is also quite unpredictable. As Cambridge is quite central, sitting away from the sea, its summers are slightly hotter than in coastal regions. The average high temperature gets up to 19°C in June, peaks at 21°C in July and August and falls to 18°C in September.

How Warm Is Cambridge In Summer?

From the beginning of the season, sunny days will see temperatures in the low 20s and in the peak of the summer the mid to high 20s can be reached. Nighttime temperatures are generally cool, rarely above 16°C. However, wind and rain can see the temperatures dropping into the mid-teens.

Rainfall doesn't vary much throughout the year, although summer showers tend to be slightly heavier and less frequent than at other times of the year. This leaves more time for the sun. 

Summer Sunshine Hours in Cambridge

Sunshine levels peak at seven hours per day in June, then gradually decrease to five per day in September. The beginning of summer tends to be clearer and warmer than the end.

Autumn Weather In Cambridge

October and November are cool and grey. The temperature quickly drops to an average high of 13°C in October and 9°C in November. Evenings see lows of 8°C and 4°C respectively. From the end of September you will need a jacket, and by the end of October a thick coat is required.

How Much Does It Rain In Cambridge In Autumn?

It is regularly overcast in autumn and sunshine levels reduce rapidly to two hours per day in November. Rainfall levels do not alter, but showers turn into a lingering drizzle in November.

What's Winter Like In Cambridge?

In Cambridge winter falls between December and February tends to be pretty dismal. It is chilly with an average high of 6°C and an average low of 2°C. Frosts occur throughout the season.

Sunshine Hours And Rain In WInter

The clouds huddle together, only letting the sun out for an average of around two hours per day. Rain spits down throughout December and January, although February is actually the driest month in the year.

What's Spring Like In Cambridge?

Spring In Cambridge is from March until May when the weather turns from cold to mild. The average high temperature climbs above 10°C at the end of March and works its way up to 15°C in May. 

April often sees an unseasonably hot, sunny spell but this is not to be relied upon. The sun marches back onto the scene, parading for longer and longer, reaching an average of six hours per day in May. A cool wind can often force the temperature down and grey days can interrupt an otherwise pleasant season. Rainfall remains moderate.

Spring Sunshine Hours In Cambridge

From late spring until the end of summer there are long periods of beautiful sunshine and heat; this is the best time to visit Cambridge to idle around the colleges and go punting on the Cam.

Changeable Weather - Ideal For Cosy Pubs

Conditions are always changeable, but more consistently pleasant in the summer. This does not mean the city should be avoided in the winter; bundled up in your hat and scarf, the ancient architecture and second-hand bookshops seem even more quaint and there's nothing more English than retreating to a cosy pub to complain about the weather.

UK High Temperature In Cambridge in 2019

The highest temperate ever recorded in the UK was 38.7°C, on Thursday 25 July 2019. Taken at Cambridge Botanic Garden, the number broke the previous record of 38.5°C, registered in Faversham, Kent, in August 2003.