Despite an average of 60°F (15.6°C), September is still a comparably warm month in the region of Calais.
It is wetter than the summer months of June, July and August. The average precipitation is 2.13" (54.3 mm) at this time of year, falling over about 12 days per month.
However, there is still plenty to do and Calais is rich with festivals and celebrations that display the region's unique food, music and culture during this month.
One such festival is the Arras' Windmill Festival, which is a colourful parade of three giants who promenade down the city streets.
Because of its location, Calais it owes much of its past and present economy to the water. Therefore, La Maison Beuriere, a museum dedicated to all things seafaring, hosts a two-day festival during the month of September.
Just a short drive away, in nearby Lille, La Grande Braderie de Lille is set up on the first weekend in September. A treasure hunter's dream, this is an open market reminiscent of ancient times. It is a display of the best traditional items, food and otherwise, that the area has to offer.
Also in September, many private buildings such as political buildings and even politicians' private homes are temporarily open to the public.
The average low temperature is still quite warm at 55.4°F (13°C).
The average high temperature can reach 65.5°F (18.6°C) even this late in the season.
Although summer is ending, the sea should still be warm enough for those wanting to enjoy some late-season rays and swimming, in addition to any other water activities.