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Boston Weather in February, USA

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Day Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunrise and sunset

    Day Temperature

  • What is Average Night Temperature?
    The average temperature recorded between sunset and sunrise

    Night Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    6 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    8 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    90 mm

February, 2025

1 Avg 36º
2 Avg 36º
3 Avg -1º 30º
4 Avg 32º
5 Avg -1º 30º
6 Avg -3º 27º
7 Avg -2º 28º
8 Avg -1º 30º
9 Avg -4º 25º
10 Avg -3º 27º
11 Avg -3º 27º
12 Avg -3º 27º
13 Avg -2º 28º
14 Avg -4º 25º
15 Avg -2º 28º
16 Avg 32º
17 Avg -1º 30º
18 Avg 32º
19 Avg 34º
20 Avg 39º
21 Avg 39º
22 Avg 41º
23 Avg 37º
24 Avg 37º
25 Avg 39º
26 Avg 34º
27 Avg 32º
28 Avg 34º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the weather like in Boston in February


February in Boston is still very cold, although temperatures are a slight improvement from January and rainfall is marginally lower. The average temperature for the city in February hovers around 0°C, with average highs of 3.7°C, falling to an average low of -4.1°C overnight. The average temperatures rise steadily throughout the month so if you feel the cold, the end of February would be a better time to travel. Check the local weather report before you set off. The average high on February 1 is 2.4°C and the average low -5.2°C, but by the end of the month these have improved to 5.2°C and 2.7°C respectively. Be warned that temperatures can fall much lower on occasions, with -23°C recorded on Valentine's Day, 2016, the lowest February temperature for more than 80 years. Although Boston has some excellent beaches nearby, February is not the ideal month for a swim in the sea, with average sea temperature a very cold 4°C, compared to Miami in the States where the sea temperature averages 24°C in February! This compares with the month of August, when the average sea temperature is 20°C. Relative humidity in Boston in January is the lowest of the year, at 62.3 per cent on average, compared with a yearly average of 65 per cent.

Rain and snow 

The chances of some form of precipitation remain high during February in Boston. The city receives an average of 83mm/3.25 inches of rainfall with 11 rainy days, making it the least rainy month of the year. Average February snowfall is 27.9cm with the likelihood that fresh snow will be on the ground on 5.5 days. Snow will be on the ground on approximately nine days during the month, about 2.5cms is common. Later in the month snow can be as deep as 13cms, only on about 3 days though. 

The amount of snowfall can vary considerably, with up to 39cms of fresh snow in some years and as little as 10cms in others.

Sunshine Hours

Across the month, average daily sunshine in Boston is six hours, or 168 across the whole month, with clear skies on eight days, meaning cloud cover of 30 per cent or less. During daylight, the sun's rays reach the ground 56 per cent of the time on average. The sky is overcast or mostly cloudy for about 52 per cent of the time. February 3 is the clearest day of the month on average, with clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy conditions 49 per cent of the time. The shortest day of the month is February 1, with 10 hours of daylight. By the end of the month, this has increased to 11 hours and 13 minutes.

Sunrise in Boston is at 6:57 AM on February 1 and sunset is at 4.58pm. By February 28, sunrise is at 6:21 AM and sunset is at 5:32 PM. The longest day of the year in Boston is June 21, when the sun rises at 5.07am and sets at 8.24pm, giving 15 hours and 17 minutes of daylight.


The average February wind speed in Boston is 13.5mph, although storms can bring stronger gusts, with rain or snow to accompany them. The wind is mainly from the west in February, coming from that direction 48 per cent of the time. There can also be heavy thunderstorms, which occur one year in five on average.

Dress Code

It is still very cold and wet in Boston in February, with a good chance of snow. It is important to bring appropriate clothing, including warm coats, waterproofs, scarves, hats and gloves. Make sure that you check our 14-day forecast for Boston before you head for the airport.

Boston Hotels in February

Rates are still low in Boston in February, although January is the best month for bargains. Many of the best hotels are located downtown, where all the sights, shopping and nightlife is. You really are spoiled for choice and it's just a question of deciding your budget and picking the one you like best.

Loews Boston Hotel

Ideally located near Copley Square, the Loews Boston Hotel occupies a historic limestone building that was once home to the Boston Police Headquarters. It is now a modern hotel with more than 220 rooms and suites. Back Bay, South End and many of the city's main attractions are close at hand. The hotel's Precinct Kitchen + Bar serves traditional American dishes and fresh and plentiful New England seafood. There is also a furnished patio where breakfast is served, a 24-hour fitness centre and valet parking.

Boston Park Plaza

Another historic hotel is the 90-year-old Boston Park Plaza in Back Bay, which has undergone a $100 million renovation and is widely recognised as one of Boston's finest. Its Boston Common location places it at the heart of the city's shopping, restaurant and tourist destinations. Enjoy meals and snacks in the new-look lobby area, a drink in the library or splash out in the hotel restaurant, Off The Common. The Strip by Strega steakhouse is on the hotel doorstep, as is lively Irish pub MJ's. The hotel also has a 20,000 sq. ft health club, Lynx Fitness, and a 'Swing Suite' offering indoor tuition and practice facilities for golfers.

Sheraton Boston

Still in the central Back Bay area, the Sheraton Boston, with a direct connection to the Prudential Centre. It is also right among the action in Copley Place and within walking distance of Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox (Major League Baseball team), the Charles River and Boston's waterfront. 

Hotel amenities include a modern and well-equipped fitness centre, with New England's largest indoor-outdoor saltwater pool. The Green Tangerine Spa & Salon offering treatments including Swedish, deep tissue and hot stone massage, facials, manicures, pedicures and waxing. Dining choices include a 'grab and go' café, the SideBar for drinks, sandwiches and salads and the newly-refurbished Apropos restaurant.

Hi Boston

For budget travellers, you won't break the bank at the Sheraton Boston, a hostel nestled between the Chinatown and theatre districts of Boston. Close to Boston Common and the Freedom Trail, all the dining, shopping and sights you need are within easy reach. The friendly team at the hostel offer a range of free events and although facilities are basic (a shared kitchen and laundry plus a pool table!) it is clean and comfortable and everything you need is right on the doorstep.

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Bars and Restaurants

Bleacher Bar

If you want to see the baseball without paying out for tickets, then this is the place for you and the beer is great too. The entrance to Bleacher Bar is on one side of Fenway Park, home of Boston Red Sox and from the bar you can get a great view of the field, whether there is a game on or not. Try the local ales, such as Harpoon IPA and like most Boston bars and pubs, there is a food menu with soups, salads, sliders and other snacks. Open all year round.


The bustling Backbar will more than quench your thirst if cocktails are to your liking. Tucked away behind a plain door, once inside take your pick from a dizzying array of speciality drinks, including a Milk Punch or a Mexican Sotol and for the very brave a Zu Carre, with vodka, cachaça, cocchi americano and Benedictine. There is always a drink of the week to try too and light snacks are available.

Grill 23 & Bar

The stylish Grill 23 is hard to beat for a great steak in atmospheric surroundings. Opened by developer Ken Himmel, who could not find a steak house in the Copley Park area at the time, it has more than 2000 bottles on its wine list and local beers and cocktails too. Enjoy a pre-dinner drink before waiters in white jackets bring your food, which also includes New England seafood and some stunning desserts.

Brewer's Fork

Pizzas are the main event at Brewer's Fork in Charlestown, where you can watch your choice being wood-fired while enjoying an unrivalled view of the Bunker Hill Monument, which commemorates the first major battle between British and American forces of the War of Independence. There is a great patio open all-year round, with fire pits to warm guests up during the colder months. Sandwiches and small plates are also available.

Things to do in Boston in February

Chinese New Year

Boston is home to the third largest Chinese community in the United States, so it's no surprise that the annual Chinese New Year celebrations are on a grand scale. The highlight is the Chinese New Year Parade in Boston's Chinatown, featuring colourful costumes, lion dancers, firecrackers, and plenty of food and drink. The parade usually takes place on the second Sunday after Chinese New Year, which falls on 5th of February in 2019.

Red paper lanterns adorn the streets to bring good luck and don't miss the dragon dancing, although both depend upon the weather being good, with no heavy rain or wind.

Valentine's Day

Boston is always a romantic destination, but even more so in February, with a host of events across the city to mark the occasion. Take a Valentine's Day Dinner Cruise with Spirit Cruises, with dinner, champagne, a rose and stunning views of the Boston skyline. For landlubbers, there is a bewildering array of Valentine's Day-themed theatrical and musical events and dining offers. One of the more unusual is the annual Cupid's Undie Run, in which competitors race around the city in their underwear in aid of charity.

Black History Month

February is Black History Month when Boston celebrates the contribution of African-Americans and their history. The Museum of African-American History organises a series of events each year across the city, including a special African American Patriots tour on the Freedom Trail, a Black Heritage Trail through Boston and various music, arts and theatre events.

New England Boat Show

Back on the water, maritime enthusiasts will not want to miss the annual New England Boat Show at Boston's Convention & Exhibition Centre from February 9-17. This huge event on the waterfront draws thousands of people, including plenty of celebrities, each year to see the latest new boats, marine gear and workshops. Food and drink also plays a major part too, with Boston's famed seafood in plentiful supply.