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Beziers Live Weather, Languedoc-Roussillon, France



10° 50°

Your Time: Time in Beziers: 00:43

12:00 AM, Tue 1st Apr

  • Temp feels like
  • Length of day
    12h 42m
  • Pressure
    29" (1015 hpa)
  • Visibility
    10 km (6miles)
  • Wind speed
    22 km/h

Sunrise 07:28

Sunset 20:10
  • Temp feels like:

    8ºC (46 ºF)

  • Length of day:

    12h 42m

  • Pressure:

    29" (1015 hpa)

  • Visibility:

    6 miles (10 km)

  • Wind speed:

    22 km/h

Search for your next stay in Beziers Choose from millions of homes, hotels and other properties all over the world

Beziers is a town in the southwest of France, on the flat coastal plain of the Languedoc region. The centre sits on the River Orb about 10 km from the Mediterranean Sea. Beziersâ coastal area is called Cap dâAgde. The area receives a humid Mediterranean climate, experiencing all four seasons. The summers are pleasantly warm to hot and the winters are mild to cool. Moderate rainfall is expected year round. Coastal areas are generally slightly warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Summer, from June till September, sees mid 20s average highs peak in July and August around a blissful 28°C. The sun stays out for an average of nine or ten hours a day, reducing in September to around seven. Rainfall is quite low though still falls in short showers up to ten days per month, save for in July when it rarely rains though humidity does not decrease by much. The beaches are treated to a refreshing breeze which, due to the flat landscape, can reach inland. This is perfect sunbathing weather. Any strenuous activities, i.e. walking from the beach to the caf©, can be uncomfortable in these temperatures, but you can probably handle it. When humidity builds up towards the end of the season, thunderstorms are possible. Summer is the best time to visit Beziers; it is reliably hot and sunny and if you are planning a trip to the town rather than the beach, the river is particularly beautiful, hugged by lush green trees. Some like to take their holidays in relatively cool months with a view to walking, but the area does not a have a particularly interesting landscape.

Autumn, in October and November, sees average high temperatures reduce; in October temperatures drop from the mid 20s at the beginning of the month to around 18°C at the end. Night times are considerably colder seeing a monthly average low of 13°C. By November the average high temperature gets down to 15°C and the average low is 7°C. Rainfall increases in frequency though the actual amount that falls is not increased by much.

Winter, from December to February, is an unpredictable season. Again, while the amount of rain that falls is not hugely increased, its frequency jumps up in January, relenting at the end of the month. It is generally more overcast, seeing around four hours of sunshine in December and January, and six in February. The average high temperature drops to around 12°C which, while considerably warmer than many regions, still requires a thick jumper and with the rain, probably a raincoat. It almost never gets down to freezing, seeing an average low around 4°C, but away from the coast residents have been surprised by snow.

In spring, from March till May, average high temperatures are a cool 16°C in March and April. It then heats up quite dramatically to an average high of 22°C in May, though night times remain cold at 12°C. The erratic rainfall starts up again in March and recedes in May. By the end of May the summer is on its way; this is not at all a bad time to visit Beziers.

The Languedoc region produces some fine wines and beyond the coastline of Bezier the landscape is dominated by vineyards. While there are a number of great beaches, the best of which is thought to be the nudist beach, the area is generally considered to be less interesting than nearby Provence with its islands and coves.