Bermuda, Grotto bay beach resort and spa
Review by: Abbie
Lovely and warm for us brits with occasional shower that was short and dried up quickly
Really relaxed. So friendly. Wonderful views. Beaches you dream of. Lovely food. Great public transport. Not too expensive. We opted not to pay for any board deals at the resort and just paid our way as and when we ate and drank. So much cheaper and meant our money was spent in local restaurants and cafés.
Recommend Bermuda to others?
My Bermuda Cruise
Review by: Marsha Jackson
I went to Bermuda from May 19-21 2014. The weather was absolutely beautiful, about 75 degrees Farenheit.
WONDERFUL! I hope to return for a week land trip this year.
I absolutely appreciated that there were NO beggars hassling us and NO street vendors peddling their trinkets. We felt safe.
The people were very hospitable, warm and genuine. The island is very clean. We took a city bus and did our own tour of the island and had no problems.
We were able to talk with many people on the bus. They all were all very nice and helpful with answers to our questions.Recommend Bermuda to others?
Bermuda : Next 24-Hour Weather
Today - 12th March 2025
Sunrise 07:33

Sunset 19:25

Tomorrow - 13th March 2025
Sunrise 07:33

Sunset 19:25