What's the weather like in Benalmadena in March?
March sees temperatures in Benalmadena begin to creep up slightly, but it is still fairly cool and not many people choose to visit at this time. However, this is a great time to come if you fancy a quieter, cooler holiday in a more relaxed setting. The temperatures in this seaside resort town on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain are much more comfortable than in more northerly locations in Europe, there is more sunshine and the amount of rainfall isn't too bad either.
The overall average temperature in Benalmadena in March is 14°C, much higher than in the United Kingdom this time of year. This is a two-degree increase since February; April will be another two degrees warmer. Nights are still rather chilly, with an average low temperature of 8°C.
Make sure to bring warmer clothing if you're planning on going for evening strolls along the waterfront. In the afternoon, however, you can leave your jacket in your hotel room, for the average high temperature in March is an enjoyable 21°C. Both the average low and high temperatures increase in the course of the month, by about two degrees.
Average Sea Temperature
The sea temperature, on the other hand, isn't yet ready to increase, it seems. It remains at its annual minimum of 16°C throughout the month. This temperature has been the same since January. From April onward, it will start to increase gradually toward its annual maximum of 24°C in August.
Daylight Hours
The days keep on lengthening in the course of March. The shortest day is March 1, with its 11.24 daylight hours. March 31 is the longest day with 12.34 hours of daylight. This increase of 1.10 hours means that every day in March is 2.3 longer than the previous one.
Cloud Coverage
Cloud cover is still (relatively) high this month, ranging around 42%. This percentage has been pretty much constant since mid-November and will remain the same until the end of April. This is as cloudy as it ever gets in Benalmadena. In March, a typical day is overcast merely 18% of time. You'll be able to enjoy blue skies and sunshine on 45% of the time.
Average Sunshine Hours
There are 9 hours of sunshine per day on average. This is a delightfully high number, making this an ideal destination to escape to cloudy and wet British weather this time of year.
In terms of rainfall, March is an average month. It gets its share of precipitation, but it's just enough to water the plants, so to speak. Rainfall won't be of any bother this month. The total amount is no more than 37mm and there are only 8 days with some kind of precipitation. The chance that you will experience rainfall on any given day in March is 28%, a percentage that doesn't vary at all throughout the month.
You're most likely to see moderate rain, a type that occurs on 44% of the days with rainfall. Light rain may happen as well and is observed on 25% of those days. Thunderstorms and drizzle are less likely, respectively happening on 13% and 12% of the rainy days.
If you're travelling to Benalmadena in the near future, you can check out our up-to-date weather forecast on this page.
Benalmadena Hotels in March
Most resorts remain closed during the winter months, but there are several that will continue to offer all-inclusive accommodation for a week's visit.
Hotel Bali is a perennial favourite for a cheap and cheerful holiday; located just 250 metres from the beach it offers accommodation from around £227 per person. This includes all buffet-style meals and use of its plethora of facilities.
The Best Benalmadena offers rooms from about £242 and, as well as including all buffet-style meals, there are also unlimited snacks available from 10am to 11pm (excluding restaurant serving times). Meals are served with a selection of beer, wine, spirits and soft drinks.
Bars and Restaurants
The Aico Restaurants is a collection of three restaurants in Benalmadena. Restaurante La Fuente is housed in a beautiful building in Benalmadena Pueblo and serves delicious local dishes, such as seafood, Spanish cured meats and crusted chicken, in a welcoming atmosphere. Restaurante La Niña is also situated in Benalmadena Pueblo and features a modern interior in an old house. This is a wonderful place to go for an afternoon or evening drink and, of course, for superb Spanish food. The third restaurant is Restaurante El Muro, offering a mix of traditional Spanish cuisine and international dishes. From lobster and salmon to venison and pork tenderloin, its menu features all kinds of dishes.
Things to do in Benalmadena in March
Though you may not be able to lie on the beach, on a clear day you are advised to go for a stroll along the seafront promenade and enjoy the stunning coastline. It's a downright beautiful place and whenever the weather allows you to be outside, which it does a lot, you should, in fact, be outside.
Another popular way to enjoy the scenery is to take a cable car to the top of Calamorro Mountain and enjoy the spectacular view from the top. The top features leisure facilities, such as rest areas, lookout points and hiking trails. This is an absolutely recommended place to visit this time of yearn, any time of year, really for its spectacular views and because it offers an alternative to laying on the beach (in the summer months).