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Benalmadena Weather in January, Spain

Slide and Tap Other Months

  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    5 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    9 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    51.5 mm

January, 2025

1 Avg 14º 57º
2 Avg 14º 57º
3 Avg 13º 55º
4 Avg 13º 55º
5 Avg 12º 54º
6 Avg 14º 57º
7 Avg 13º 55º
8 Avg 13º 55º
9 Avg 13º 55º
10 Avg 13º 55º
11 Avg 15º 59º
12 Avg 14º 57º
13 Avg 12º 54º
14 Avg 12º 54º
15 Avg 13º 55º
16 Avg 11º 52º
17 Avg 11º 52º
18 Avg 12º 54º
19 Avg 12º 54º
20 Avg 11º 52º
21 Avg 12º 54º
22 Avg 11º 52º
23 Avg 11º 52º
24 Avg 12º 54º
25 Avg 13º 55º
26 Avg 14º 57º
27 Avg 13º 55º
28 Avg 12º 54º
29 Avg 12º 54º
30 Avg 13º 55º
31 Avg 13º 55º
Avg Historical Daily Average

What's the weather like in Benalmadena in January?

January is the coolest month of the year in Benalmadena, a popular resort town just south of Malaga on the sun-soaked and appropriately named Costa del Sol in southern Spain. As such, it is very quiet this time of year. However, the resort's Mediterranean climate makes sure that it never really gets cold.


The average monthly temperature never drops below 11°C throughout the year. This is the average temperature for January, the lowest in the whole year.

At night, the mercury drops to a chilly average low of 4°C, but the afternoons are quite enjoyable with their average high temperature of 16°C. Even in the heart of winter, you might be able to go for afternoon walks wearing just a T-shirt. Those low and high temperatures are both as low as they get in the year. They remain basically constant throughout the month of January.

Average Sea Temperature

The sea temperature is exactly as high as the afternoon high temperature 6°C, which is definitely not warm enough to go swimming. This water temperature will remain the same in February and through March, before it starts rising once again.

Rain and Cloud Cover

Although the temperatures tend to be rather enjoyable in the afternoon, it is also very likely that you will experience some rain during your stay as there is usually 9 days' worth of rainfall during January.

The total amount of precipitation that falls down on Benalmadena in January is 52mm, which makes it the fifth wettest month of the year, after the three previous months and April. During January, there is a 29% chance that you will experience some type of rainfall on any given day, which is a percentage that's recorded from November through February, the wet part of the year.

The most common type of rainfall this time of year is moderate rain, which occurs on 45% of the days with rainfall. Other possible types are light rain, thunderstorms and drizzle, which respectively occur on 21%, 14% and 13% of those days. Snowfall is extremely unlikely in these southern parts of Europe, if not non-existent.

As rainfall is at its highest in the winter season, so is cloud cover. January is characterised by 42% of cloud cover, a percentage that is recorded from November all the way through March. It doesn't vary at all in that period of time. This doesn't mean that it's cloudy, though. In contrary even, the sky is overcast only 19% of the time in January and (mostly) clear no less than 49% of the time.

Average Sunshine Hours

Therefore, you can expect plenty of sunshine during your stay; up to 7 hours a day. This number of daily sunshine hours is incredibly high, particular when compared with the United Kingdom in winter. It's also important to note that this is the lowest amount of sunshine hours of the year in Benalmadena same number is also observed in December and February, which indicates how sunny a destination this actually is.

Daylight Hours

January sees the days gradually become longer. January 1 is the shortest day of the month with 9.42 daylight hours, while January 31 is the longest day with 10.20 hours of daylight.

Benalmadena Hotels in January

Compact and charming, Hotel Pueblo is a fine Spanish themed boutique hotel that focuses on quality over quantity. The hotel is located in the beautiful centre of Benalmadena's old town and maintains only 10 rooms for its guests.

The MS Pepita Apartments offer affordable accommodation with great service. The guest house operates a small number of apartments along Alay Avenue with friendly owners and very decent furniture. The prices are fairly low and all rooms are clean and well maintained.

Located just next to Benalmadena's centre and on one of the best spots by the beach, Benalmadena Palace is an ultra-popular hotel and spa resort. The Benalmadena Palace is luxurious and sports one of the best equipped spas in the area, with numerous treatments and dozens of professionals ready to assist in your pampering.

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Bars and Restaurants

The Dolce Vita Gourmet is one of the most popular local bakeries and confectioneries in Benalmadena. Popular for its delicious sweet pastry and hearty breakfasts, the Dolce Vita serves mostly Spanish and Italian pastry along with British delicacies and fresh ice cream. The menu is particularly child friendly and the prices are palatable enough to say yes to seconds.

Things to do in Benalmadena in January

As it is much quieter at this time of year you can explore the area at your own pace. Though you may not be able to lie on the beach, the stunning coast line is well worth a pleasant stroll on a clear day. The Torrequebrada Watchtower and Colomares Castle are two beautiful historical sites that are well worth a visit.

The municipal Archaeological Museum of Benalmadena is home to numerous rare artefacts from antiquity that were found along Costa del Sol and in Iron Age settlements in southern Spain. The museum is small but interesting enough to get you lost among its exhibits for at least a few hours.

Dates for the diary

The Three Kings Parade takes place on 6th January every year. The event features colourful floats, traditional dress, and sweets thrown to kids in the street. Children also put their shoes out the night before to receive gifts from the three kings.